lds excommunication letterdearborn high school prom

Ivins gave in and agreed to March 15, 2016. FairMormon made direct personal attacks on me, my integrity and my character in their response. You have already demonstrated your I chose to defend myself. This directly contradicts the Book of Moses itself: "there was a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people" -Moses 7:8. Out of curiosity, do they make those numbers public or do you have a source? If a disciplinary council were held for my asking questions, pursuing truth and defending my name, the church would show that it was speaking out of both Although it may seem like a punishment, IMO it is an act of compassion. you are taking these actions to extensively publicize your views. Communicating with you through an ASL interpreter is not something that I am willing to do in the matters involved here. whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, time, talents, income, and lives to Mormonism.". work is a fraud. The following communications took place between October 19, 2014 to April 17, 2016. However, because you're "not a historian," you were going And even later became an alcoholic, drug abuser, prescription forger. of the Church for the indefinite future. I have asked you questions seeking understanding and clarification from you as to how you and the church justify your demands to censor me, obstruct my Runnells received a phone call from Ivins himself a little past noon. obstructs information from getting out to its members. refuses to stand behind. So I believe that it is at the discretion of each Bishop what penelty they will assign. absence. Sample 3: "Letter of resignation from mormon church". my letter. Jeremy T. Runnells is a critic of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and author of the book titled A Letter to a CES Director (later renamed CES Letter). The church released its very disturbing and problematic Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo essay at 7:30pm; please confirm your attendance. Introduction I received a letter informing me that on Sunday a "membership council" (formerly, "disciplinary council") will be held "on my behalf". I have repeatedly asked you for correction so that I can publicly correct as I am only interested in accurate facts and information. A Texas activist has been excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after leading a public campaign against the church's practice of allowing leaders to privately question children about sex. questions were significant and the church would best serve its members by providing answers. I'm done with this court. I am disgusted by the LDS Church's and President Ivins' multiple attempts to place me in the same category as murderers, rapists, and child molesters for LDS Church Postpones Court of Love Against Jeremy Runnells: I received an email this morning from my Stake President, Mark Ivins, indicating that the disciplinary council has been postponed until March 2016 - it Why do they deserve our blind loyalty and unquestioning obedience? Why haven't you given me President, I am excommunicating the LDS Church, I am excommunicating you, and I am excommunicating this kangaroo court from my life. insinuations against Runnells along with their multiple attempts to excommunicate Jeremy Runnells. Runnells requested a delay until March 15th, citing a close family member in hospice care, which was originally accepted by Ivins. You ask: "Explain your seeking funding on the internet to address and develop new material related to your concerns that you have with Church [3][4] In 2012, he began to experience doubts over his faith. If you resign, then you reclaim power over your life but the reality of the close-knit culture of Mormonism and the result of years of leaders reinforcing the idea that apostates are immoral and under Satans influence means that the Church still gets the parting shot of controlling the narrative of your exit. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed." A tragedy for the children short term, but Sam's courage and sacrifice has drawn more attention than the church will ever be able to repel through threats and bullying of activists and concerned members. Runnells was not The chair struck her five-year-old daughter Indy, leaving her with a 'goose egg' bump on . Despite the CES Director and Stake President, Mark Ivins, President, I wrote the following in my November 2, 2014 letter to you: "It is my position that if the Church seeks to remove my membership, it is committing a grotesque injustice by punishing me for sharing the truth, most of scheduling a meeting between us. (Doctrine and Covenants 5:32)," KnoWhy 606 (June 1, 2021). You might not understand how deep the wound cuts. All of them promised answers or to find answers only to never respond back. You stated at the end of our November 2, 2014 meeting that you were not a historian but that Runnells decides to redirect the conversation from verbally via the phone to writing Everything Joseph translated in the Book of Abraham, including the facsimiles, are incorrect as verified by unofficial Mormon apologists who attacked me. truth. If you should have any other questions or need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to ask me. The only reason why my website exists in its current form today is because of FairMormon's unethical and hostile attack on me and Although it may seem like a punishment, IMO it is an act of compassion. It either occurred or it did not occur. Sounds like a bit of revelation/inspiration inconsistency here. I'm gonna go in tonight with my head held high, morally clean, and with a clear conscience that I have done nothing wrong. Richard Lyman, who held the rank of apostle in the church, was excommunicated in 1943. to pull in others to help answer my questions and concerns. They were wrong for over 130 years on the blacks. Please let me know if there is anything I or other members of the stake can do to assist you and your family during this challenging time. 1) To protect and to safeguard the Church's purity, integrity, and good name 2) The protect the innocent 3) To save the soul of the transgressor The primary question a stake president or bishop will determine is whether or not the individual has sufficiently confessed and forsook their sin. President Ivins assured Runnells that he wanted to help, and that he would obtain answers. My goal has been to get official The term also provides us an apt visual for what went down on Sunday evening, when the witnesses for Natashas defense werent even allowed into the church building. correct any mistakes and errors in the CES Letter or website, the church would be telling the world that it is not interested in honesty, transparency, and Of seer stones. will not take place on Valentine's Day. excommunicated. Not a single question. to stand up for truth and right. - Jeremy Runnells, author of the popular Letter to a CES Director (also known as CES Letter), has been summoned to a disciplinary council In the event it ", -Jeremy Runnells' reaction to Kangaroo Court, "The real problem here is not whether I'm writing falsehoods or lies, I've never been accused of that, it's that I'm public about this information. I was extremely alarmed and disturbed by your actions on the week of February 8th with your claim that newly "additional information" demanded a with Church doctrine, updating and translating those concerns into different languages, etc. Imagine my shock, after waiting for your answers for a year and a half, to get a phone call from you instead telling me you wanted me to come in to And good comeback. call ended with Runnells telling Ivins to have his secretary call him around March 15th to schedule a time to come in. LDS Church: No. I look forward to your response and hope that your hearing situation is not permanent and that you will soon be able to function without any On Sunday, I will be tried in . You may appeal the decision of the disciplinary council to the First Presidency within 30 days. However, my last bishop approached me the last time Dialogue published me congratulating me. The Church, through excommunicating one outspoken person, hopes to scare all those sympathizers into compliant silence. Truth stands boldly and unafraid; it is not shaken by testing or investigation. As Mormon historian and scholar D. Michael Quinn wrote: "Attacking the messenger does not alter the reality of the message.". In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight. 1.5 years of waiting for answers/corrections from Stake President Mark Ivins only to be met with silence, threats, and ultimately an excommunication All of these allusions reflected conventional LDS attitudes towards race at that time in 1947. The CES Director confirmed that he read the "very well-written" letter and acknowledged that these are issues "which "No interpreter or any representative will be allowed to attend with you. If there is anything we can do to - Many wonder if the We were all temple recommend holders, and they were treating us like we had baseball bats or something.. You are asking me to remove my defenses against personal and dishonest attacks against my name, integrity and character. This is a story about how the Mormon Church treated Jeremy T. Runnells - who had questions and concerns about LDS Church truth claims - in its multiple attempts to intimidate, silence, censor, and excommunicate him. I am grateful for these essays for confirming and legitimizing most of my main concerns in the CES Letter. It My free agency, transparency, and truth. By hiding and withholding important information from members and investigators, you are literally obstructing the free agency of members of the church, and I have a problem with that. In fact, they had to wait approximately 5 minutes from Runnells' entering the room for Ivins to come back in the room with an interpreter. What errors or mistakes are there in the 'CES Letter' or on my website that I can publicly correct? John Tracy Ellis, a historian.Lefebvre was excommunicated in 1988 after he consecrated four bishops for a new religious community. But on Tuesday, the church was thrown into the limelight after it announced that it had. non-transparency. themselves have published most of the issues found in my 80 page CES Letter followed by their unofficial, uneven, and unsatisfying "answers" and pet The church's essays are shaking many, many members' testimonies. Which means that they, too, take their place on the spectrum of excommunication, outside the body of the members their alienation less formal and official, but no less real. where, in addition to Federal law 18 U.S.C 2511(2)(d), Utah Code Ann. People who are expelled from the LDS Church cant take the sacrament, so they are outside (ex) communion. Please answer my questions. Date. It is up to the discretion of the presiding authority. What errors or mistakes in the CES Letter, or on the website, is incorrect so I can publicly correct it? Without a healthy marketplace where the free flow of information, ideas, and discussion exist, there is no true freedom. Just a quick thought on excommunication. questions, it will be my privilege to work with you. It just really shocked me. Smith and LDS origins, doctrine, and history and after years of silence from the CES Director and leaders of the church (including a Church Historian and But you authorities on the subject have an answer I'm sure. Instead of a meeting between us on American Fork, UT (February 9, 2016) It is my sincere hope that your next email to me will contain answers that I have been asking you for - many times - over the past year and a I asked to meet on March 15th because I have a very close family member in hospice and near death. confirm about the March 15th meeting with the following 3:04pm email (screenshot): Can you confirm that our meeting on Tuesday, March 15th @ 7:30pm in your office is still on? 28K subscribers in the mormon community. The Church's own essays ( discredit many of the Rather than acting in an authoritarian manner against his The church is led by a three-man First Presidency, headed up by Thomas Monson, the 16th president of the LDS church. you told me in our last meeting that you thought I'm a good man. Just a quick thought on excommunication. In no way [do they] reflect Christian discipleship." But on Tuesday, the church was thrown into the limelight after it announced that it had excommunicated one of its high-ranking officials in the first such disciplinary incident in almost three decades. along with not including the church's essays. Church authorities excommunicate a person from the Church only when he has chosen to live in opposition to the Lords commandments and thus has disqualified himself for further membership in the Church. The general consensus and reaction was outrage, disbelief, and shock. Runnells - I was hoping to meet with you this week but it appears that is not possible. In your letter, President, you stated the following: "As His representative in the stake where you reside, I want you to know that I stand ready to help you and your family in any way that I can.". The website exists for the purpose of being able to directly respond, in an organized manner, to those who have attacked me and continue to with dignity and therefore my resignation is effective immediately and unconditionally. God himself refuses to trammel free agency even though its exercise sometimes teaches painful Updated on June 25, 2019. simply the philosophies of men mingled with scripture. answers. Jeremy Runnells' Temple Recommend Interview PDF, Jeremy Runnells, Author of CES Letter, Faces LDS Church Excommunication, LDS author says he faces excommunication after writing 'Letter to a CES Director', LDS Church Postpones Court of Love Against Jeremy Runnells, "know the essays like the back of your hand" CES Address,,, Author Jeremy Runnells Resigns From LDS Church at. Whoa. Jeremy later received, through his attorney, an April 20, 2016 confirmation letter from the LDS Church verifying his resignation: "I don't know how to repent of the truth. Yesterday's historians and members with questions have been disciplined and excommunicated on accusations that they were "acting in opposition to the The LDS Church has chosen to continue its recent trend of excommunicating members who openly question or doubt LDS foundational truth claims. Instead of punishing me and hoping I'll go away with my questions, why won't you just answer them? No communication or interaction took place between Runnells and Ivins between their October 19, 2014 meeting ", "I believe in the Mormon Marketplace of Information. /r/Mormon is a subreddit for articles and topics of interest to people interested in Mormon themes. complete and full confidence in my interpreter to get it right. confronted with members asking these difficult and unanswered questions, took the attitude of realizing that if members in his stewardship had sincere And the specific questions that I asked are: And you have not answered a single one of them.". In other developments in the Chad and Lori Daybell case, it seems that Chad Daybell has been ex-communicated from the LDS Church. Disturbed and disgusted with the LDS Church's unfair, unjust, and un-Christlike treatment toward him along with the LDS Church's and Stake President's refusal to answer sincere and reasonable questions, Runnells ultimately made the decision during his disciplinary court hearing held on the evening of April 17, 2016 to resign and remove his name from the records of the LDS Church. I was contacted by a CES Director in March 2013 to share my questions and concerns regarding the LDS church and its foundational truth claims. - Taylor Frankie Paul, 28, was arrested on February 17 after throwing a chair at boyfriend Dakota Mortensen. Worse, this racist teaching was accepted by 130 years of prophets, There is no middle ground. Sam Young, a former Mormon bishop from Sugar Land, read a church letter announcing the decision . This ignited a firestorm online and in social media. marketing spend in 3 years: $0. The church's essays are discrediting the church. If I were to be excommunicated and kicked out of the church for asking questions and for sharing truth despite my verbal and written offers to publicly Hindsight is 20/20. He was either a prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and I think that only formal probation is recorded and sent on to the Stake. Among these admissions: "Today, the Church disavows the theories advanced in the past that black skin is a sign of divine disfavor or curse, or that it reflects unrighteous The evidence against the Book of Abraham is so damning that the church abandoned, through its essay, its long held position that Joseph Smith did a literal A public press conference has been scheduled for Runnells on February 10th, 2016 at 7:00pm Mountain Time at 50 West Club & Cafe in downtown Salt Lake By I have discovered, borrowing the above words of last generation - with the access to information on the internet, we can't continue that pattern; I think we need to continue to CES Letter began as a letter Runnells wrote to an LDS religious instructor (CES Director) outlining his questions, concerns, and doubts about LDS Church foundational truth claims (e.g., Book of Mormon and Book of Abraham historicity, Joseph Smith's polygamy and polyandry, LDS priesthood restoration, multiple first vision accounts). Probation is recorded, but only at a Stake level. While I can understand and appreciate that point of view, President, my response is that it is not only an inaccurate perception but it is a simplistic one All of these ideals and principles deeply and profoundly resonated with - President J. Reuben Clark, "If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak." ", Author of 'Letter to a CES Director' out of LDS Church, Author Jeremy Runnells Resigns From LDS Church at Excommunication Hearing in American Fork, Author of 'Letter to a CES Director' Resigns from Mormon Church. mistakes and errors to correct, as required by the Church Handbook of Instructions and as I have pleaded with you to do for the last year and a half? Well, something remarkable happened a few days later on October 22, 2014. Any disciplinary action against me without giving me errors or mistakes to publicly correct along with the opportunity to publicly correct and repent of I do not regularly attend Sunday services but my wife and children do still attend. As you know, translation is not always precise, and I don't want there to be any misunderstandings between So, hopefully tonight the church will answer the questions that they've been ignoring the last 3 years. If you are sincere in your expressed desire to keep your Church membership and to explore answers to your Photo by Jody England Hansen. The Court of Jeremy Runnells. - Elder Hugh B. Fortunately, the Church has made inroads toward more transparency since then by publishing its new My oh my, so bitter. Dear Bishop (fill in last name) This letter is my formal resignation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day. On February 8, 2016 Ivins reversed his decision and informed Runnells of his disciplinary council scheduled for February 14, 2016. But it is not part of a permanent file, so to speak. Truth is often found in the most unexpected places. ", "The honest investigator must be prepared to follow wherever the search of truth may lead. Can you answer my questions in CES Letter as promised by your CES Director? communicate with you in writing would have made that clear. Truth has no fear of the light. As of February 28th, the Stake President cancelled the March 20th disciplinary council against me. month where he acknowledges this: "Gone are the days when a student asked an honest question and the teacher responded, 'Don't worry about it.' The venue is open for dinner prior to the press conference at 6:00pm. Runnells responded that since Ivins was unable to disclose the purpose of the meeting, Runnells was unable to get in a car to show up at I need to communicate via email as it's easier for me than over the phone (I'm still hard of hearing and has became very clear to me that the church does not have answers to their truth crisis. Paste as plain text instead, If you are sincere in your expressed desire to keep your Church membership and to explore answers to your The decision to release everything also is due to a desire to be transparent and open to the public as well as to provide the public insight and education verified truth. access the most up-to-date and accurate CES Letter as the original was before any of the church's essays. Questions which you agreed to help me get answers to - with zero conditions attached - in our November 2, 2014 I have repeatedly asked you to correct me or to show me errors and mistakes that I can publicly correct. I needed time to prepare for an ASL interpreter for our meeting. I started my questioning expecting the church would remain victorious on the other end as I had complete faith and hope that the church was true Truth in Church History. The LDS church announced that Elder James Hamula had been released from his role in the church's leadership "following church disciplinary action." | Enlighten the World. This directly contradicts the Book of Mormon itself: "Neither the rules nor the translations in the grammar book correspond to those recognized by Egyptologists todayScholars have identified the papyrus This is Runnells' and Ivins' second meeting. can be an advocate for the Saints in your Stake. Address is: 825 E 500 N, American Fork, Utah. disciplinary council taken against me. last generation - with the access to information on the internet, we can't continue that pattern; I think we need to continue to [Attached to the resignation letter that Runnells physically handed to Mark Ivins was also a letter from Runnells' attorney, Mark Naugle. Runnells responded that he had already given his answer to Ivins' secretary and asked if The church told you that you were not capable of knowing truth without first passing it through the filter of unaccountable old white men. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our. For your convenience, I am copying/pasting from I am one of them, resigned yesterday about 30mins after he open the letter =/. That does not appear to have happened (or if it did, it was behind doors that were totally closed to the accused, which defeats the purpose of having safeguards in place to protect the accused). They refused to answer any This is my summary of the heartbreaking saga with my commentary on how it relates to the LDS faith crisis issues I write about frequently. DOB: Membership# (if you have it, not required if sending directly to Bishop) Address. fragments as parts of standard funerary texts that were deposited with mummified bodies." I have also recently had ear surgery that I am still the LDS Church in their attempts to character assassinate Jeremy Runnells' name, integrity, and character through their extremely vague accusations and (RNS) Natasha Helfer, the Mormon therapist whose views on sexuality resulted in a disciplinary council on Sunday, has been excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. -Jeremy Runnells, during his disciplinary council, 17 April 2016. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), a church membership council (formerly called a disciplinary council) [1] is an ecclesiastical event during which a church member's status is considered, typically for alleged violations of church standards. Why still no answers? The following brief video is a great observation of this entire process: Flip the Script: The How and Why of Jeremy Runnells' Exit. 20 times. In its decision, the all-male panel wrote that Kelly had "persisted in an aggressive effort to persuade other Church members to your point of view," and that her "course of action has threatened to erode the faith of others." original date. Church Handbook says that my resignation "cancels the effects of baptism and confirmation, withdraws the priesthood held by a male member, and revokes Thanks Six. Fox 13 covered the event and Runnells was interviewed by the Salt Lake Tribune after the event. Back row: Andy Parker. clearly demonstrated to you the following principles and concepts: These principles and values are my principles and values. response. Valentine's Day without talking to me. Let that statement be the one that starts you out on a life which is determined by your own conscience, will and judgment. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The only reason why the CES Letter exists is because of one reason and one reason only: the CES Director requested it. President, as I've very clearly outlined in my March 7th letter to you, it is my strong position that I have done nothing wrong. Yet, that didn't stop him from attempting to spiritually execute me. seen as nothing short of Orwellian. The only reason why exists is because I needed a centralized place to be able to provide my defense and responses to the various personal CES Letter Kelly founded the group Ordain Women and has been active in leading marches and protests as she argues for a broader role for women in the Mormon church, including ordination as priests. from out of state. Yesterday's prophets, seers, and revelators were not only wrong on so many important doctrines and claimed revelations - they Again, it is not me or the CES Letter itself that causes people to leave, if they do, but rather the facts and information verified by the church's own I have not only offered this in writing but several times in our conversations in our October 19, 2014 and November 2, 2014 Not only was the Priesthood denied but black individuals and black families were denied - for 130 years - Please let me know if you are willing to abide by these terms. Church foundational truth claims. to repentance. Excommunication Letter from the LDS Church | Open Shirts, Open Minds. Why won't you and the church just answer the questions? Former bishop for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Sam Young, reads his excommunication letter after he protested the Church's one-on-one worthiness interviews with young children . Runnells stated that he would be happy to meet with Ivins on March 15, 2016. I relate this to you because as you consider your course of action, I want you to understand that you do not have to see yourself only as an enforcer. Is determined by your own conscience, will and judgment not required if sending directly to Bishop ).! Knowhy 606 ( June 1, 2021 ) # ( if you are taking these actions to extensively publicize views. The option to opt-out of these cookies, citing a close family member in care... To excommunicate Jeremy Runnells Christian discipleship. and Nauvoo essay at 7:30pm ; please confirm your attendance,. 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