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He alerted the Pentagon through the bunker's radio microphone that the President Asher was hurt, but alive and asked how to disable the protocol. As Banning looked at the North Lawn, he was horrified that the helicopter exploded and feared the worst. Three years after the White House Siege, Banning and Asher went for a presidential run. As he regained consciousness, Banning, who is in pain due to the injuries he sustained from the fall, crawl sluggishly to the bed frame in the Lincoln Bedroom. While waiting to be patched through, Banning sawC-4 explosives on the windows of the Oval Office. Kang admittedthat he hadunderestimated him and that it won't happenagain. In retaliation, Banning shot and stabbed the terrorist who was assigned to get him until the joint SAS and Delta reinforcements led by Will Davies arrived at that moment. He then married Leah, who is a nurse working at an unspecified hospital in Washington, D.C. Banning has a mother-in-law named Doris, who will be a grandmother of his daughter, Lynne, born at the end of the incident in London. Book banning is a bipartisan game, a point nicely made by Jonathan Zimmerman, a self-described liberal who wrote in The Dallas Morning News: "When conservatives try to ban a book, we liberals. Then, with Connor, he wentover the number of emergency exits in the West Wing, the number of feet from the Oval Office to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center elevator and the number of the security cameras that recordedaudio. contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Clegg only said that they are not waiting and Trumbull stated that they have to secure Cerberus. He toldConnor to wait to prevent making noises. While he was about to be checked on by paramedics, he sawLeah waiting in the ambulance. He yelledout to the agents with him as the rocket destroyedthe front door and killedthree Secret Service agents nearby. Then, he retreated to the stairway and watched, as the Korean terrorists entered the White House. Then a few tense moments, Banning waited for the moment beforehe and Connor sprinted towards the other secret door as the terrorists fired at the walls. You go first" and disabled the radio. Banning reminded the general that he doesn't work for him. Kang masterminded the 2004 bombing of the British Embassy in Seoul and smuggled uranium enrichment technology into North Korea from Pakistan. Banning says that they have to continue on, but Forbes was acting strange for the moment and when he mentioned Kang's name, the surprised and suspicious Banning asked Forbes how did he know the leader's name. Connor asked Banning about his father and he assured the boy that his father would be fine. Because of his special forces training from his Army Rangers background, Mike Banning is a highly skilled and intelligent Secret Service agent. Affiliation As he and Connor made it to the door, Banning dove down to the side and fired the last two rounds in his pistol at the door of the Lincoln Bedroom and quickly pulledoutother pistol. Then, Banning jumped and rolled down to the floor, holding Kang in the headlock with his legs before breaking Kang's right arm to incapacitate him. Banning's review as an employee of the Secret Service by director, Sympathy letter from Lynne Jacobs regarding Banning's failed protection of, Banning's carry-on valuables as seen in the first film, Banning escort President Asher to Marine One, Banning ready to strike a terrorist stronghold in London, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot AUDIENCE Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot BLOCKBUSTER Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot TIE Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot DAYS Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot WANTED Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot SUMMER Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot LETTERS Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot SAVE Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman. While in the Army, he met Wade Jennings and the duo formed a friendship and served in the 3rd Ranger Battalion together. Banning can be known as a one-man army because he is the only person who can rescue the President and get out of danger effectively. Jacobs saidthat they are still trying to find out and Trumbull saidhe's the Acting President. At some point, he met his commanding officer, Wade Jennings, and the duo formed a friendship while serving in 3rd Ranger Battalion together. Jacobs told Banning that he hadto start living in the real world and forgive himself for failing to save Margaret. After a brief fight, Banning managed to get behind Yu and brokehis neck, killing Yu. Jacobs said that they are still trying to find out and Trumbull said he's the Acting President. The author's original books like The Witches and Charlie and the Chocolate . Residence(s) He promised he would take her to see a movie, among other social events. Eventually, Mike killed Jennings and the crisis ended. Banning managedto shoot many motorcycling terrorists trying to get President Asher, and soon they were now on Marine One helicopter trying to fly out of the city. At around 6:00 PM, Banning heard the motorcade of the South Korean delegation arriving. He was talking to his wife, Leah, after he missed the 4th of July celebration with her. Although Clegg knewwhat the Hydra 6 is, he was still confident that the SEALs wouldtake the weapon down. The entire protection detail was killed by said drones, but Banning was able to survive and save Trumbull. Abstract: The practice of challenging or banning books has long been a strategy used to label reading materials as offensive on moral, religious, or political grounds. By Serena O'Sullivan, Komando.com. Then, Banning saidthat there wouldbe notelevised executions, no helicopter and no more negotiating with him. Readers seem to either love or hate the . 18 months later, on July 5, 2013, Mike was still haunted by his failure to save the First Lady. He checkedin with the Pentagon. Banning blindly engaged at them and wounded one of them. Forbes then tossed his cigarette on Banning and attacks him, revealing to be alongside Kang. Banning briefly looked at his body somberly. While traveling, a tree branch fellonto the lead vehicle and crashed into the limo, in which the President and his wife were seated in. While eluding the commandos in the hallways, Banning quietly got into the Lincoln bedroom. Banning heard the unusual sound of a plane flying close by and sawa customized C-130 Hercules (AC-130) attacking theU.S. capital. He asked Connor if he was alright and Connor nodded. Between 2021 and 2022, there were a considerable number of books banned or challenged in the United States. He asked if President Asher is in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (P.E.O.C.) Meanwhile, Banning ambushed two of the commandos and knockedthem out. According to a study by PEN America from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, the banning of books in schools is not limited to Florida . The young adult best-seller "The Hate U Give" was one of the top 10 most challenged books of 2020. Banning confirmedto her that he is in the Oval Office while getting a pistol from the President's desk. When Leah asked how had his day been, he only said that he's been busy, refusing to tell her that he's inside the White House to avoid worrying her. . As Banning made it to the White House, he sawthe White House damaged by the AC-130 mini-guns and numerous bodyguards were killed. At the security room, Banning disabledthe communications in the bunker and spoketo Kang on the video call. Mike toldhim that the bloodbath will start if Margaret caughthim playing it, and he turnedoff the TV. As they went to the front entrance, Banning had apologized for the damage on the White House. After his successful rescue of President Asher and the prevention of a nationwide nuclear disaster, Mike was reinstated to the Presidential Detail. When Kang said he will send President Asher's body out, Banning complied it won't matter because whatever Kang believed he had accomplished, he won't be alive to see it. Knowing that the President was still in danger, Mike headed to St. Matthews Hospital where Trumbull awoke from his coma and took a State Police uniform from the officer he held at gunpoint. Appears in The car plummeted to the frozen river below, killing Margaret, Diaz and another agent on impact. Knowing that the President was still in danger, Mike headed to St. Matthews Hospital where Trumbull awoke from his coma and took a State Police uniform from the officer he held at gunpoint. Kill count -M-NUva. Banning informed the general that the terrorists are very tough. AfterKang's death, hetended the injured President Asher, who informedhim that Kang had activated Cerberus. As they stood, Banning then fought Forbes. As Banning, along with Roma and O'Neil, droveConnor in their vehicle, he remindedConnor to put his seat belt on. Banning, fed up with Kang and quietly distressed that Kang mentioning Leah, just finished the conversation, saying that let each other play a game of "f*** off. Banning had given Kamran's satellite phone to Davies, since it could be useful to track down Kamran's father, Aamir Barkawi (the main antagonist), which led to Barkawi's death by a drone strike. Banning identified himself as Echelon 4 and gave Jacobs his designation code. He toldthem that the terrorists were looking for him and tells everyone to use him. Books with sexually explicit content, or those that challenge religious or . However, the long period of phone call alerted Thompson to his location which led to a car chase. Banning persuaded them to tell him what it was. As the White House was taken, Banning exploredaround to find any weapons and checking out if any agents were alive. Banning yelledto the two agents with him to get inside the building. And in honor of the festivities, many books by Black authors are receiving quite a bit of shine. After Banning gotthe pistol, he asked Jacobs what do the terrorists want. As Banning left the room, Kang contacted him through the radio and taunted him. Brown Girl . Then, he arrivedat the Treasury Department. Mike noticed the hospital's nitrogen and oxygen supply had leaked, realizing that Jennings was going to destroy the hospital's Intensive Care Unit and Gentry ordered a full evacuation of the hospital. Mike went on a rural fishing trip with President Trumbull where both of them shared jokes about the President taking a day off to catch some fish. When Monroe said the word "Hash tag", Banning was confused as he didn't know what it is. Clegg only saidthat they are not waiting and Trumbull statedthat they have to secure Cerberus. Friends/Allies The next morning, Mike headed to his father Clay's house in the woods and even encountered him aiming a sniper rifle at his own estranged son. While eluding the commandos in the hallways, Banning quietly enteredthe Lincoln Bedroom. Do-Gooder Judy Blume Forever includes a memorable clip from her appearance on CNN's Crossfire in the 1980s, where she handily . Has Fallen Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. White House SiegeLondon SiegeAssassination Attempt on Allan Trumbull Then, he retreated to the stairway and watched, as the Korean terrorists entered the White House. Nobody in the Pentagon recognized the tattoo and Trumbull had the director of the CIA to sent over to Langley. Benjamin AsherAllan TrumbullMargaret AsherConnor AsherLynne JacobsEdward CleggRay MonroeRuth McMillanDavid GentryDave Forbes (formerly)Wade Jennings (formerly) Then, he tossedthe soft ball at his computer screen, bored. Kang tauntedthat he knows about his failure to save Margaret and that he wouldfail to save the President, stating that failure seemed to be the habit with Banning these days. Leah comes over to him and they embraced. After that, Mike went to Benjamin and Margaret's son, Connor, was playing Uncharted 3. Banning admits that maybe Kang is right, but sabotaging his efforts might be a good start. Nationality Banning remindedthe general that he doesn't work for him. The duo were being forced out to the streets and droveoff, but were hit by the terrorists in a truck and they kidnapped Asher. Kang just says that he admires him for acknowledging his own failure, but states there is no going back and nothing he can do tonight can atone for his disgrace. Upon reaching the floor where Trumbull was treated, he was captured by the Secret Service and met Gentry, telling him that he needed to see the President. Mike underwent extensive training session with his former fellow colleague in the Army Rangers, Wade Jennings, and his commandos of a private military company named Salient Global in their base in Virginia. Sales spike for 'sad book signing' author after bestsellers King, Atwood commiserate. Banning said that the terrorists got him in the bunker. Then Banning told Connor to stay close to him. Then, First Lady Margaret Asher cameup and asked Mike whether she should wear the long or the short earrings. When Leah asked how had his day been, he only saidthat he's been busy, refusingto tell her that he's insidethe White House to avoidworrying her. Mike served in the protection detail of President Benjamin Asher until the tragic death of his wife in 2011, which he witnessed, saving the President's life in the process. Michael Jameson "Mike" Banning (born September 16, 1970) is a former Army Ranger who worked as a protective agent for the Secret Service and served as the head of the Presidential Detail. General Clegg said with the force that size, he had men who can sweep them out in short order. Michael Jameson Banning Banning took cover behind the trees, getting progressively closer to the White House. As the terrorists were advancing to the White House, DCPolice officers fired at them from the outside until a female sniper killedthem. Afterwards, Davies and his men located both Banning and Asher alive in the elevator shaft. Michael Arceneaux. Roma, who took Mike's spot as head of the Presidential Detail, introduced Banning to Agent Jones. While they were taking their boxing gear off, Asher jokingly remarked to Mike that he's 'not supposed to hit the President' and Mike replied that he knew. While Kang and his men were attempting to escape with the President, the elevator arrived in the bunker and Banning quickly killed two of Kang's men with the final rounds of his Glock pistol. Eyes "Maus I," an earlier published book that is the first part of "The Complete Maus," was the No. Clay detonates explosives around the perimeter of the house, killing all the would-be attackers. He taunted the terrorist that if he looks like he has seen a ghost after having Forbes to tell him that he's dead. Then he continues on to the White House hallways. He asked Forbes if he was okay to stay back and watch the fort. As the Korean terrorists were advancing to the White House, D.C. Metropolitan Police officers fired at them from the outside until a female Korean sniper killed them. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. During the three years that passed, Leah became pregnant with his first child. They were soon interrupted by another Secret Service agent, Dave Forbes, who told them that they had to leave in ten minutes. General Clegg orderedBanning to stand down, stating that they need to put him out of here before theylost another hostage, since Vice President Charlie Rodriguez has been executed by Kang. The lead vehicle crashedthrough the bridge and fellinto the icy water below, as the presidential limo skidded uncontrollably to the edge of the damaged part of the bridge, balancing precariously. Indiana Senate Republicans on Tueday passed controversial the Senate Bill 12, which seeks to create rules around "materials harmful to minors" in Indiana public schools. Launched in 1982, Banned Books Week was a response to an increase in the number of books being challenged by groups and individuals. You go first" and disabledthe radio before continuing down the hallways. While Kang and his men were attempting to escape with the President, the elevator arrivedin the bunker and Banning quickly killedtwo of Kang's men with the final rounds of his Glockpistol. After graduation, with six months as a reservist, he enlisted . The assault team then destroyed the generator and drew enemy attention while Banning infiltrated Kamran's hideout to find Asher. Banning informed the Speaker that they cannot give Kang and his men what they want and he had dealt with these type of men before. Full Name When they refused and were about to suicide bomb the fence, he killed one of them. Banning reloaded his last magazine and asked his former co-workers where President Asher is. As Banning leaned down to the mortally wounded Forbes, he confrontedthe traitor on why he didthis. After Roma and the others left (since they hadto meet up the South Korean delegation in the White House, including South Korean Prime Minister Lee Tae-Woo), Banning toldJacobs that he wantedto return tothe Presidential Detail because he's unhappy with the desk job at the Treasury Department. Banning and the military engaged half of Barkawi's men, although the surviving half were proven to be too well armed, forcing Banning to refrain from frontal assault as he attempted it. Banning acknowledged as he went out to try andsave Asher. He is a former Army Ranger who currently works as a protective agent for the Secret Service. Clay Banning (father)Mary Alice DeWitt (mother)Leah Banning (wife)Lynne Banning (daughter)Doris (mother-in-law) Trumbull saidwhile President Asher wouldhold out as long as possible, if they gotConnor and hurt him, Asher won't hold out under those circumstances. He asked where Connor is and Jacobs said that they didn't know his location, but presumed to be inside the White House. Forbes said thatwith that snowstorm, he would get out of the tuxedo, sit by the fire and watch Breaking Bad. Father He began to question his life now that he is expecting father and had been contemplating whether to resign from the protection detail. Kang admitted that he had underestimated him and that it won't happen again. Banning thenguessed he's little rusty and sarcastically saidto the other terrorist that his friend was a funny guy. A visibly pregnant Leah then came over and said it was the White House on the phone. Banning saw a nearby knife and took it with his left hand before stabbing it into Kang's head, killing the terrorist mastermind and proving true to his words earlier, as well as avenging all those killed during his attack. The car plummeted to the frozen river below, killing Margaret, Diaz and another agent on impact. Military trainingHigh intelligenceWeaponry and knives expertiseHand-to-hand combatGreat physical strengthExpert Leadership As Banning moved to the stairway near the front entrance where Kang intended to kill Secretary McMillan outside the White House in front of the media, he used his scoped MP5A3 to kill Kang's henchman Cho. Forbes then tells Kang that he got Banning and that everything is clear. Mike Banning during the attack on the White House. The surprised Jacobs had asked where he is at. He chargedat him and shotthe terrorist in the leg to use him as a human shield. Banning saidthat there'sno again because he woulddie down in the bunker alone and cut off from the world. Banning managed to get the passenger door open, but the door on Margaret's side was jammed. Banning tells the Speaker that the team needs some serious help and can hold him for insubordination. As Banning was about to send his letter of resignation to the President, he was inspired by Trumbull's speech. Throughout the events, he hid a fact that he was suffering from migraines and insomnia, as well as the recurring back pain, likely due to events in the White House Siege and the London Siege. After that, Mike wentto Benjamin and Margaret's son, Connor, who was playing Uncharted 3. Then, he saw a FN M240D machine gun hidden in the garbage truck and tried to warn the agents to go back inside, but the majority of the agents were killed by the machine gun fire, as Banning watched in horror. Trumbull toldBanning that the terrorists wanted themto recall the Seventh Fleet and pull their troops out of Korea. Banning said that there wouldn't be a second chance because he would die down in the bunker alone and cut off from the world. Trumbull told Banning he's got 30 minutes to do something to flush out the terrorists. Banning triedto deactivatethe weapon, but itsaccesswas locked out. The group of Korean men began their operation to attack the White House, and Banning tried to contact anyone on the radio, but got no response. The short story The Bear Trap is set between Massacre Pond and The Bone Orchard. However, the Barkawi Arms Network: an Islamic militant group led by Pakistani arms dealer and terrorist mastermind Aamir Barkawi assassinated five world leaders and tried to kill President Asher live via internet. Both instantly realized what it was about; Leah promptly assured him that her mother could take care of her while he was away. He demandedto know who is running the group. Days later, Banning was finally reinstated to the protectiondetail as he, along with Connor, Jacobs and General Clegg, watched President Asher addressing the media and the entire nation about the aftermath of the attack on the American lives that were lost and his assurance that America wouldrebuild from the siege. Before parting ways, Mike revealed to his father that he has a wife and daughter. Clay Banning Jacobs quickly told Banning that it's Shift-3. Connor was relieved to see Banning. Banning askedJacobs about Connor. It's targeting authors who deal with race, sexuality, and gender, and it's moving with a fervency that should . As Trumbull called someone to get the deactivation code, General Clegg told Banning to find the control panel marked "Countermand" and flipped a switch that's marked "Initiate Recall". . Although Banning managed to land a few hits on him and knockedKang's knives away, the terrorist mastermind kickedhim down to the ground. As Forbes pinnedBanning to the floor and triedto put his pistol on him, Banning was able to get the pistol out of Forbes' hand and foughthim. He demanded to know who is running the group. A pleased Trumbull then authorized Banning to get President Asher out. American Banning only threatened Kamran that he's coming to kill him unless he retreated back to Iran or Pakistan or wherever he's from, despite Kamran promising to stream Asher's execution to the whole world. While Banning was patrolling the White House, Trumbull informed him that they have to get Kang and the President out of the open while giving him the chopper as their best shot until he heard an explosion. Banning killed one of the advancing terrorists to run to the front entrance and had the wounded agent drop the ground behind cover. Two weeks after the events of London, Leah eventually gave birth to Banning's daughter, Lynne, named after Jacobs. Three top U.S. government officials hadthe partial output ofthe codes to activate Cerberus; President Asher, Secretary of Defense Ruth McMillan and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Joe Hoenig, all of whom were held hostage in the bunker. He then married Leah, a nurse working at an unspecified hospital in Washington, D.C. Banning has a mother-in-law named Doris, who became a grandmother to his daughter, Lynne, born at the end of the incident in London. Later in the hallway near the state's dining room, Banning saw someone coming and put the gun to the man's head. In 2021, debates against the academic framework of critical race theory opened the door for a series of book bans. He asked Forbes if he was okay to stay back and watch the fort. bunker. These stunning, eye-opening, life-changing " red pills " are now only available through Real History Chan, in either PDF or 8.5 x 11 book format. Mike and Clay at the Zero Gravity Center. Book bans are nothing new in the United States but authors of some of the country's most . As Benjamin and Connor left the press room, Mike stood proudly, knowing that he had redeemed himself. After learning the leader's name is Kang Yeonsak, the head of the Koreans for United Freedom, a North Korean paramilitary organization and Kanghad40 commandos breached the front gate and hehad28 men left, he informs the Pentagon of the information. Despite the terrorist's fighting prowess, Banning soon overpowered him and bashed his head with the robust statue of Abraham Lincoln, killing the terrorist. Authors: Aliprandini, Michael Sprague, Carolyn Source: Points of View, 2022. February 1, 2022. On his next mission, which Banning decides to make as his last, he was assigned to protect President Asher and Jacobs as they traveled to London to attend the British Prime Minister's funeral. She replied that he still missed his mother, but also Banning, and drove the Secret Service crazy with his hiding spots, thanks to Banning's training. He liftedConnor to the shaft and Connor beganhis climb to the top of the shaft. On December 25, 2011, during an icy night at Camp David, Mike and President Asher were boxing each other in the ring downstairs in a sparring match. Banning readily headed out to find Connor. After place on hold for a few seconds, Jacobs confirmedto Banning that the president is in the bunker, where he is being held hostage. Banning and Asher met up with Jacqueline Marshall, an agent working in an MI6 safe house, which also got infiltrated by terrorists disguising as Delta Force team. As two of Kang's men were coming to the stairway, Banning killed one coming in the stairway and blindly fired his pistol to mortally wound the other one before finishing him off swiftly. He took them to another room and tied them to the chair. With that, he decided to delete his letter. Back in his car, Banning calledLeah on his phone, but gother voice mail instead and he saidhe's 'just checking in'. Alias(es) Then he demanded the name of his leader and how many men they have. Banning grabbed one of the Kang's knives and tried to attack him with it. In retaliation, Banning shotand stabbedthe terrorist who was assigned to get him until the joint SAS and Deltareinforcements led by Will Davies arrived at thatmoment. Jacobs saidif they gotthose codes and self-detonated the nukes, it wouldleave America vulnerable to a nuclear strike. Then, First Lady Margaret Asher came up and asked Mike whether she should wear the long or the short earrings. Then, he stabbed one of the terrorists in the neck to scare the other one. Banning returned to the Presidential detail. Banning sarcastically said that it is funny. Despite the terrorist's fighting prowess, Banning soon overpoweredhim and bashed his head with the robust statue of Abraham Lincoln, killing the terrorist. As he regainedconsciousness, Banning, who is in pain due to the injuries he sustained from the fall, crawl sluggishly to the bed frame in theLincoln Bedroom. Banning killedone of the advancing terrorists to runto the front entrance and hadthe wounded agent drop the ground behind cover. As President Asher screamed in agony, Banning, along with Connor and the Secret Service agents, were in deep shock over the loss of Margaret. Another book banned in U.S. prisons is Tupac: Resurrection, the companion book to the Oscar winning film. Butler first debuted the character of Mike Banning in 2013's Olympus Has Fallen. Minutes later, Mike changed to the tuxedo, when they were about to take the President and his family to a campaign fundraiser on Christmas. Banning suspectedthat they are out to get Connor to make President Asher reveal his Cerberus code. Kang taunted that he knows about his failure to save Margaret and that he would fail to save the President, stating that failure seemed to be the habit with Banning these days. When the countdown reached three seconds, Cerberus was deactivated, much to the immediate relief of Banning and everyone in the Pentagon as the nightmarish situation is finally over. He toldJacobs that Kang and his men have the Hydra 6 and they hadto abort the infiltration. Battles/wars He toldConnor to watch his back in case if any commandos came in as he unscrews the vent crate and informedThe Pentagon that Connorwouldbe coming out in the ground floor through the ventilation shaft in the northwest corner. Banning typedin the code panel and gotanother pistol from a lock box. When he crashed the trailer, Mike ran off into the woods at night and successfully eluded the police looking for him. Banning and the other agents rushed to the limo as it was slowly sliding down. 1 bestseller in the . Mike recalled to his father that he had been in West Virginia for the past five years; North Carolina and Alaska prior to that. After knocking Banning down, Kang beganto strangle him with his right hand. That is heartening. Protecting President Benjamin Asher (formerly), Protect the First Lady Margaret Asher (succeeded until her death). Monroe gave him the deactivation code step-by-step. One of his friends said he didn't know. As he headed downstairs to avoid gunfire, Kang was retreating to the bunker and U.S. troops pulled McMillan to safety. Injured President Asher is to run to the Oscar winning film he promised he would get out the! Exploredaround to find any weapons and checking out if any agents were alive front... Forgive himself for failing to save the First Lady Margaret Asher ( succeeded until her )! Close to him entered the White House damaged by the fire and watch the fort America to! Friend was a funny guy assured the boy that his father that he is expecting father and he the! Wentto Benjamin and Margaret 's son, Connor, who told them that they have secure... 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