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Pay its normal food and egg cost. If not, discard them. This power can be used to tuck cards behind birds that do not usually tuck cards. Discard all face-up bird cards on the bird tray and replenish them from the deck. The Brown Shrike was played above in the grassland habitat of the player mat, so the player may place their Duet token on an unoccupied space in the grassland region with any of the following symbols: invertebrate, rodent, bowl nest, <50 cm, or left facing beak. If you roll at least 1 , gain 1 from the supply. If you do, draw 1 . You gain 1 additional from the supply. clockwise and move the turn order dial so that the star points to the new first player. When activated: Trade 1 for any other from the supply. Each bird counts just once, even if it has multiple colors in its name. You may do this only once between your turns, no matter how many other players lay eggs. Of these cards, Automa will keep 1 card with the highest point value. Note: Safari is the only browser that supports PWAs on iPhone and iPad. to the player who came in second on the end-of-round goal. If you do, lay 1 on any bird. Its great for finding a specific rule quickly. Yes, when drawing multiple cards, you can draw a card from the deck, look at it, and then decide to continue drawing from the deck or draw from the face-up cards. This bird is known for caching extra food and saving it for later. You must have at least 1 of the targeted items to score points for a goal. Score nectar with friendly ties, like the end-of-round goals: more than one player can be in first place, and second place is still awarded to the player(s) who have the next-highest amount of nectar. Star nests count toward this goal. You must gain all seeds available from the birdfeeder. Once completed, by the end of 2016, GSP International Airport will be positioned to accommodate up to 4 million passengers per year more than twice the 1,904,602 passengers that used GSP in 2015. Listed on Dec 23, 2022 When played: All players lay 2 . Then gain 1 or lay 1 on any bird. Designers Note: The abundance of plant-based sugar doesnt just support birds. For this goal, count how many tokens are in the interior. If players are tied for the fewest birds currently in the wetland habitat, all draw a card, starting with you and proceeding clockwise. Birds whose beaks are pointing straight ahead (or straight up) dont count toward either the left-facing goal. Released: 2019. / If two or more players are tied, add the points and divide them evenly, rounded down. Adjust her collection of spent nectar at the end of each round. Lay 1 on each of them. When activated: All players gain 1 from the supply. For each icon shown, draw a card from either the face-up cards on the bird tray or the bird deck. Birds that eat rodents roll all dice that are not in the birdfeeder. Round end: Choose 1 other player. If you do, discard 1 from your hand at the end of your turn. Keep 1 of them. If you do, lay up to 2 on this bird. If you have two habitats tied for fewest birds, you may still score this bonus. You draw 1 additional from the deck. When activated: Gain 1 from the supply, or discard 1 to gain 1 from the supply. 1 synonym for wingspan: wingspread. You draw 1 additional . Note: Automa cannot exceed 5 birds for the birds in a specific habitat row goal. Place an action cube in the leftmost exposed slot in the draw bird cards row on your player mat, and use the actions on the space in the order they are printed: You may discard any 1 food to reset the bird tray. On these turns, if the first active player draws cards, the bird tray refills at the end of their turn, before the second active player takes their turn. When activated: If you have at least 1 in your supply, lay 1 on this bird. Heres how. All other players draw 1 from the deck and keep it if it can live in . Use an action cube to mark your score on the goal. Then gain 1 from the birdfeeder. All powers are optional. Count the total number of birds with a bowl nest that have at least 1 egg. Each time, if you roll at least 1 or , cache 1 here. You may tuck cards up to the number of action cubes. Gain a number of eggs equal to the number of shown on your leftmost exposed grassland slot. If you do, tuck the paid behind this card. If you do, lay 2 on this bird or gain 2 from the birdfeeder. Each edge of the map has 6 spaces on it: the sides each have 3 indented spaces that are still on the edge. Do not award 2nd place to another player. When played: Tuck 1 from the deck behind each bird in this habitat, including this bird. Round end: Draw 5 from the deck. Add 1 to your hand, tuck 1 behind this bird, give 1 to another player, and discard the rest. For more on Pink Powers, see our rankings here: Ranking Wingspan's 22 Pink Powered Birds When both active players have completed their turns, rotate the turn-order dial clockwise. These goals were added to give players another reason to look closer at the art. Count the birds you have played that have one of the following geographical terms in their names. You gain a seed token no matter what food die you removed from the birdfeeder. This bird can lay eggs on star nests. Activate any brown powers on your wetland birds, from right to left. The Automa, however, does not play by the rules. The discard pile remains separate from the bonus deck. When activated: If this bird is to the right of all other birds in its habitat, move it to another habitat. Note: For Pellet Dissector she takes birds that can cache food. Then gain 1 from the birdfeeder, lay 1 on any bird, or draw 1 . End your turn by placing your action cube on the left side of the draw bird cards row. In other words - if I were using a pink power, let's say "if a player gets eggs, this bird lays an egg on another bird", I am the second to last play to play the turn. Once between turns: When another player takes the gain food action, gain 1 from the birdfeeder, if there is one, at the end of their turn. The symbol should be on the left-hand side of the birds brown power. In the unlikely event that any type of food token is unavailable in the supply, use a temporary substitute. Wingspan is played over 4 rounds. For example, you must have at least 1 grassland bird to score points for the most birds in the grassland habitat goal. They are characterized by almost imperceptible increases in G-load, and the natural stability of many airplanes tends to roll the wings back to level. If Round 4 is over, go to game end & scoring. There are now 2 new active players who take their turns. Root is far more novel than it may appear because it's a highly asymmetric game. They may interact with the Automa. Wingspan is a relaxing, award-winning strategy card game about birds for 1 to 5 players. Count the number of birds that have the maximum possible number of eggs on them, according to their egg limit. Because you only have 1 neighbor, only steal 1 from that player. The impact of both systems is subtle; that is by design. You may look at your bonus cards while selecting which birds to keep (and vice versa). When activated: Gain 1 from the birdfeeder, if there is one. Regular reroll rules apply whenever you have the opportunity to gain food from the birdfeeder. The sequence need not consist of all birds in the grassland, and it need not start or end with the first or last bird in the grassland. When you gain this extra food, you must choose among the dice that are remaining in the birdfeeder. For each icon shown, gain food from dice you select from the birdfeeder. When you use this power, you may activate the brown when activated powers of your birds in any order. When played: Draw the 3 face-up in the bird tray. The following is a list of the birds that are not pointing left or right. When activated: Choose 1 other player. Place an action cube in the leftmost exposed slot in the lay eggs row on your player mat, and use the actions on the space in the order they are printed: To lay an egg, gain an egg token from the supply (color doesnt matter) and place it on a bird card that has space for it, according to its egg limit. Once you fail, this birds activation is over. Please join the discussion at Board Game Geek, or send bug reports and other comments directly via email to This power allows you to lay eggs on all of your birds that have a specific nest symbol (and all birds with a star nest symbol), including the newly played bird. Once a food token is cached on a bird card, you cannot spend it. Look at the wingspan of the top card of the deck and compare it to this birds hunting power. Wingspan is a relaxing, award-winning strategy card game about birds for 1 to 5 players. When activated: Cache 1 from your supply on any bird. Birds whose beaks are pointing straight ahead (or straight up) dont count toward either the left-facing goal. Birds with no egg capacity do not count towards this cardthey do not have a full nest. Once between turns: When another player takes the lay eggs action, this bird lays 1 on another bird with a or nest. When activated: All players may discard 1 from their supply to lay 1 . Once between turns: When another player tucks a for any reason, tuck 1 from your hand behind this bird, then draw 1 at the end of their turn. Advance her end-of-round goal scoring card. Each token on the card at the end of the game is worth 1 point. Birds with star nests count toward this bonus. Roll dice on the table; they do not go back into the birdfeeder. Pay the corresponding egg cost (if any) by discarding eggs from any birds on your player mat. To play a bird in column 2 or 3, you must discard 1 egg to the egg supply. Wingspans of exactly 30cm count toward this bonus. When activated: If there is at least 1 bird on the tray that has in its food cost, tuck 1 of them behind this bird. You will interact across groups in other ways, though: the whole table shares end-of-round goals, He does so. You only draw 1 bird card regardless of how many cards you tuck. You always take the first turn of each round and Automa always takes the last. Before the game begins, if it isnt clear from where you locate Automarazzis area, assign her a seat at the table so you will be able to resolve these powers. Count the total number of birds you currently have in your wetland habitat row. When played: Play a second bird in your . Game end: Cache up to 8 from your supply on this bird. If you are playing with bonus cards hidden from other players, when this power is activated, the player reveals to you their bonus cards. As noted on this card, you can cache exactly 1 food token when its power is activated by placing it on the bird card. This may differ slightly from the number of birds on your player mats, if birds have moved during the game. Any cards that were tucked behind the original bird remain tucked, but you must discard any eggs. After rolling all 5 dice, you may reroll any of those 5 dice again. When activated: Draw 1 face-up from the tray with a or nest. Some birds have an * in the cost; this is to indicate that they have an alternative cost noted in text on the card. This bonus card grants points for a long enough sequence of consecutive birds with wingspans in ascending or descending order in your wetland habitat. Within the grassland, this bonus card grants points for a sequence of birds that is in ascending or descending order by their point value. If players are still tied, they share the victory. Strategic depth: Medium. Points are only awarded to the player who contributes the most to each end-of-round goal: This method uses the side of the goal board that has spaces for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. You may choose to draw face-up cards or from the deck as normal, but each other player may only draw their card from the deck. You will have already discarded nectar when the Grey-Headed Mannikin is activated, so if you want to use it to play a bird with a nectar cost, you will need to use the 2:1 food conversion to obtain the nectar. The birds in the sequence must be in a continuous line on the board. This bonus card grants points for a long enough sequence of consecutive birds with wingspans in ascending or descending order in your grassland habitat. End your turn by placing your action cube on the left side of the gain food row. Consecutive birds in with ascending or descending scores. For example, you might keep 2 bird cards and 3 food, or you might keep 4 bird cards and 1 food. Place one of her Duet tokens on that space. You may tuck up to 2 from your hand behind this bird. Each player may choose a different or the same die, including the die a player just rolled. When activated: Draw 2 from the deck. This applies to the basic actions as well as bird powers. When you reset the bird tray, discard the cards in the bird tray and refill it with three new cards from the bird deck. Round end: If you used all 4 actions this round, gain 1 from the supply, lay 1 on any bird, and draw 1 from the deck. Lay 1 on this bird for each discarded food. There is no limit on how many food tokens you can have by your mat or on your birds, nor is there a limit on food tokens in the supply. Food tokens cached on these birds do not count as being in your supply for the purposes of end-of-round goals, even though they can be used to play more birds. When activated: Steal 1 from another players supply and add it to your own supply. Names include: If you mix the Asia expansion with the base game, youll probably want to leave out the Historian card: There are no birds named after people in the Asia expansion. For example: Automa always fulfills any condition required to gain from your triggered power. This is specifically referring to birds played into the grassland habitat. Discard all of the you drew for this birds activation this turn. However, its impact is smaller when playing with fewer birds that involve opponents gaining things on your turn. Activate any brown powers on your grassland birds, from right to left. When activated: Choose any 1 . If the deck of bonus cards is ever exhausted, shuffle the discard to form a new face-down deck. When you use a power of another players bird, use any power of that type from amongst the 3 face-up cards in the bird tray. Your options for which food to gain are shown on the dice in the birdfeeder, which will repeatedly get depleted and refilled throughout the game. Multiple eggs on one bird each count. If you run out of food tokens, you can cache cards instead. Count the total number of Duet tokens on the map. Once between turns: When another player gains , gain 1 from the supply. At any point during your turn, you can give to other players. You will place a Duet token on the Duet map each time you play a bird. Count the total number of birds with a cavity nest that have at least 1 egg. Designers Note: The first two actions described below, Draw Cards and Play a Bird, have Automa take a bird card and discard other bird cards. Within the group that did not activate the power, turn order starts with the active player after they have finished their own turn. Instead, wait until the end of your turn before refilling empty spaces on the bird tray. If you roll at least 1 , cache 1 on this bird. You can install it as a standalone app that is lightning fast, and works even when you're offline. If all dice in the birdfeeder show the same face, you may reset it before gaining the food. When activated: Gain 1 from the supply or tuck 1 from the deck behind this bird. When activated: Tuck 1 from your hand behind this bird. This is a push-your-luck power: After each roll, you check to see whether you succeeded or failed. All may draw from the deck or the face-up cards. Cache 1 from the supply on this bird for each that player has. You first draw 1 bonus card, then decide how many additional cards you want to draw and discard the corresponding amount of food. Discard the egg to the supply. We recommend telling other players what the power is, and what activates it. For example: Note: Automa will not participate in any power where she would lose more tokens than she would gain. When activated: Look at a from the deck. You may draw the additional card from the deck or from the bird tray. Note that the wedge-tailed eagle is looking for birds OVER 65 cm, unlike most predators. If there are no cubes on the tile, ignore this action. The food that the other player gains does not have to be the same type stolen. You can also. However, the other active player is only affected after finishing their turn. Then, tuck up to 2 from your hand behind this bird. In a 2-player game, the Greater Adjutant and the Indian Vulture may both copy the same bonus card. This bird is able to live in a variety of habitats, and its power is to move from habitat to habitatbut only if its the last bird in that row. . If one or more dice show a rodent, take at most 1 rodent token from the supply and cache it on your card. This bonus card grants points for a long enough sequence of consecutive birds with wingspans in ascending or descending order in your forest habitat. For example, if you need 1 fish, you could use any other 2 food tokens instead. If all dice in the birdfeeder show the same face, you may reset it before gaining the food. Based on the map section of the Duet map tracker, she will navigate the Duet map until she finds an available space that matches the combination of habitat and type indicated by the Duet map tracker and place one of her Duet tokens on that space. This will usually occur through taking the . two cavity nests, two platform nests, a bowl nest, a ground nest, and two stars would be two complete sets. Do the same for the Automa. Choose 1 type of food you rolled and gain 1 of that food from the supply. Each rule entry is like a separate webpage. Once a food token is cached on a bird card, you cannot spend it. Round end: Lay 1 on each of the birds immediately to the left and right of this bird. To place a bird from your hand onto a habitat, place an action cube on the Play a Bird spot above where you will play the bird. For example, you might keep 2 bird cards and 3 food, or you might keep 4 bird cards and 1 food. Each token on the card at the end of the game is worth 1 point. Only the section for the current round will be used. Automarazzi is played open-handed. When activated: Discard 1 to the spent nectar space for your . If the players tied, then pass it to the other player. When activated: Reset the birdfeeder and gain 1 , if there is one. For the past four years, GSP visitors have witnessed the second and most substantial wave of renovations in GSP's history WINGSPAN. . If it has a when played or game end power, you may use it. If you do, gain 1 , , or , if there is one. This bird allows you to tuck a card from your hand for a point, then lay an egg. These can be powerful, because they can match any other nest type for goals, bonus cards, and bird powers. When played: Instead of paying any costs, you may play this bird on top of another bird on your player mat. You may include birds that do not have an egg limittheir egg limit is zero (less than 2). This site automatically adjusts the rules to fit the expansions and variants you choose in settings . The sequence need not consist of all birds in the forest, and it need not start or end with the first or last bird in the forest. Wingspan is a competitive, medium-weight, card-driven, engine-building board game for 1-5 players from Stonemaier Games. Designers Note: For a more advanced variant, compare the lowest score of all teammates to Automarazzis. If you draw a with a wild wingspan (e.g., some in the Oceania Expansion)marked with an asterisk (*) in place of a wingspan measurementyou can select any positive length for that birds wingspan. If no card with that habitat is available, do not gain anything. Use one of Automas action cubes to mark her rank on the goal board (or to mark her score when using the alternate side of the goal board). Once between turns: When another player plays a bird, tuck a from your hand behind this bird. If the birdfeeder contains no , , or , you gain nothing. This method uses the side of the goal board that has spaces labeled 543210 next to the space for each goal. If you do, lay 1 on this bird. They reset each time you become an active player. The reference to the effect is most often "the effect" or "this effect", but can also be other references such as "1 of these effects", "each of . Shallow, level turns are those in which the bank angle is less than 20 degrees. You may discard any number of to draw that many additional bonus cards. Keep 1 and discard the rest. Using the end-of-round goal scoring card for the current round, match the current rounds goal tile to the symbols on the card to find the base value. When activated: Discard 1 from your hand. In a 7-player game, if there is no active player in your group when this type of power is activated, treat the player in your group who will be first player next as the first player. One set of eggs consists of 1 egg in the wetland row, 1 egg in the grassland row, and 1 egg in the forest row. If not, discard it. If you run out of food tokens, you can cache cards instead. Other players may discard any 2 resources (, , or ) to do the same. Next, you may activate the power on the bird card. When activated: Discard 1 from any bird. Count all Duet tokens on spaces that have any food symbol ( ). Look at the food cost in the upper left of the birds you have played onto your mat, and count all plus all . Within the wetland, this bonus card grants points for a sequence of birds that is in ascending or descending order by their point value. If it is higher than Automarazzis score, you win! This bird allows you to tuck a card from your hand for a point, then gain a food. If there are multiple cards with the same highest point value, it makes no difference which one the Automa keeps. Players in each group only have access to the birdfeeder and bird tray of their group. Place 1 Duet token in your player color on each of the 15 bird slots on your player mat. While we assessed all the cards and decided the direction of the beak would not be too difficult to ascertain, if your table has trouble agreeing, feel free to leave this tile out of the game. Points from the end-of-round goals as shown on the. Listed on Feb 19, 2023 This power allows you to lay an egg on 1 or 2 birds with a cavity (or star) nest. If not, stop and return all food cached here this turn. First activate your game-end bird powers (but not for the Automas birds), then uUse the scorepad to add together the following for your score: Example: In this board snippet, the white player receives 4 points and the black player receives 3 points. The Automas Hoard variant provides an alternative and more detailed system for valuing those interactive powers. Count the number of Duet tokens on the map in the forest. A bird that uses its power to move into the habitat does not trigger this power. When played: All players draw 1 from the deck and gain 1 from the supply. Link to a rule: Just click a rule entrys title to copy a link for sharing. Any cached food, eggs, or tucked cards are discarded when you move it. Do not use Automas Cache when using the Automas Hoard variant. The NBA, in particular, revealed a clear pattern: taller players generally have a greater height-to-wingspan ratio, and these players, in turn, tend to be more successful. Face-Up bird cards and 1 food between turns: when another player plays a that! The same more tokens than she would lose more tokens than she would gain your bonus cards is., ignore this action use an action cube on the bird tray replenish! Cached food, eggs, or you might keep 4 bird cards and 1 food choose among dice... Birds for the birds immediately to the birdfeeder her Duet tokens on that space first player the turn. Discard 1 from that player has, because they can match any other nest type for goals bonus... 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