nativi di kinshasa

the US ambassador to the UN,[33] have accused the peacekeeping mission of supporting a corrupt government. [11] La Sape, a linked cultural trend also described as dandyism, involves wearing flamboyant clothing. [56] Another source cites a homicide rate of 12.3 per 100,000. - Native American proverb-, This authoritative guide—based on the author's classic reference work, Indian Herbalogy of North America—is a portable illustrated companion for the professional and amateur herbalist alike. [32] Critics, including recently[when?] Zack. [44], Kinshasa has a flourishing music scene which since the 1960s has operated under the patronage of the city's elite. Ha persino giocato con un ginocchio spappolato pur di dimostrare di non essere un fannullone. Colpisce il contrasto tra quartieri ricchi di imprese e quartieri degradati, i cui abitanti non hanno accesso ai servizi urbani di base. Nevertheless it has city subdivisions and is divided into 24 communes (municipalities), which in turn are divided into 369 quarters and 21 embedded groupings. [14], The ville-province has 5000 km of roadways, 10% of which are paved. [16], Urban planning in post-independence Kinshasa has not been extensive. The line connecting the port of Matadi to Kinshasa is 366 km long. [64][65][66] Previously a significant number were civil war orphans. The river is an important source of hydroelectric power, and downstream from Kinshasa it has the potential to generate power equivalent to the usage of roughly half of Africa's population. (Kinshasa), K.-V. (Kasa-Vubu), Ling. Im a bear. The city is situated alongside the Congo River. Cosa vedo? The city is also home to three large universities and an arts school: In 2005, 93% of children over six attended school and 70% of people over 15 were literate in French. Riprendete la scala e portate entrambe le ragazze all’interno della struttura. According to UN-Habitat, the city is expanding by eight square kilometers per year. Questo è sufficiente per compilare la vostra definizione nel modulo. Di ritorno in patria (1964) capeggiò nella regione del Kwilu una sanguinosa rivolta dove tratti di radicalismo ideologico rivoluzionario marxista si fondevano con elementi magico-religiosi nativi. [6] Kinshasa hosted the 14th Francophonie Summit in October 2012.[7]. Many Kinois have a negative view of the city, expressing nostalgia for the rural way of life, and a stronger association with the Congolese nation than with Kinshasa.[44]. Because the administrative boundaries of the city-province cover a vast area, over 90 percent of the city-province's land is rural in nature, and the urban area occupies a small but expanding section on the western side. Cosa vedo? [24], In 2005, 55% of households had televisions and 43% had mobile phones. Thus much of the urban structure has developed without guidance from a master plan. The east-west road network linking the more distant neighborhoods is weak and thus transit through much of the city is difficult. Sii il primo a condividere un'offerta di lavoro a Kinshasa! The Vita Club, Daring Club Motema Pembe and As Dragon frequently draws large crowds, enthusiastic and sometimes rowdy, to the Stade des Martyrs. In fondo a destra troverete una porta con tre pulsanti sistemati su differenti altezze. He initiated a policy of "Authenticity" the names of people and places in the country. In 2007–2008 China and Congo signed an agreement for an $8.5 billion loan for infrastructure development. High prices have spread outward from the central area as owners and renters move out of the most expensive part of the city. Un comodo strumento di ricerca per consultare le pubblicazioni dei Testimoni di Geova in varie lingue. Se sei una compagnia o un individuo interessato ad assumere studenti, per esempio baby sitter a Kinshasa, au pair in Kinshasa, traduttori nativi, insegnanti di lingua in Kinshasa, ecc... pubblica la tua offerta di lavoro! [22] Since then, all estimates are extrapolations. Among the places of worship, which are predominantly Christian churches and temples: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kinshasa (Catholic Church), Kimbanguist Church, Baptist Community of Congo (Baptist World Alliance), Baptist Community of the Congo River (Baptist World Alliance), Assemblies of God, Province of the Anglican Church of the Congo (Anglican Communion), Presbyterian Community in Congo (World Communion of Reformed Churches). According to Congolese sources , an agreement with a Chinese construction company was signed in 2006, according to which this Chinese company will finance the renovation of the track, the rolling stock, the communication channels the signaling and the electrical energy, the ex -ONATRA has, in fact, opted for an aggressive commercial policy to revive the rail. This is in contrast to African cities further north featuring this climate where the dry season typically begins around December. According to a projection (2016) the population of metropolitan Kinshasa will increase significantly, to 35 million by 2050, 58 million by 2075 and 83 million by 2100,[25] making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. I numerosi utensili di pietra trovati nel paese, specialmente nel nord ed al centro, datanti dal Paleolitico, alcune centinaia di migliaia di anni fa, attestano che la Costa d'Avorio è stata occupata fin dai tempi antichi.. Camille Dugrand, “Subvertir l’ordre? Les ambivalences de l’expression politique des Shégués de Kinshasa”; Subdivisions of the DR Congo § Territorial organization, provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Province of the Anglican Church of the Congo, Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Projections demographiques 2019-25 (in French)", Cartographie de la croissance urbaine de Kinshasa (R.D. Kinshasa lies south of the equator, so its dry season begins around its winter solstice, which is in June. In 2016 the UN placed more peacekeepers on active duty in Kinshasa in response to the recent unrest against Kabila. The quartier Matonge is known regionally for its nightlife. What certain markings meant for Native American war horses... (there are no tribes listed, so I have no idea which specific ones used these markings). Dopo l’assassinio di P. Lumumba, Mulele, Pierre si recò nella Repubblica popolare cinese per un periodo di addestramento militare. The city's infrastructure for running water and electricity is generally in bad shape. Both offer scheduled flights from Kinshasa to a limited number of cities inside DR Congo.[53]. I nativi di Bilca sono una razza originaria dell'omonima isola del cielo. [9] Kinshasa suffered greatly from Mobutu's excesses, mass corruption, nepotism and the civil war that led to his downfall. Un lugar para publicar y analizar los cuadros de las grandes batallas de la humanidad, desde la antigua Grecia hasta la invencion del cine a sido el unico mo…, Lakota Virtues. Questo è sufficiente per compilare la vostra definizione nel modulo. Kinshasa (/kɪnˈʃɑːsə/; French: [kinʃasa]; Lingala: Kinsásá), formerly Léopoldville (Dutch: Leopoldstad), is the capital and the largest city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. vettoriali stock 146052917 royalty-free dalla collezione di Depositphotos di milioni di foto stock di ottima qualità ad alta risoluzione, immagini vettoriali e illustrazioni. Agenzia DIRE - Iscritta al Tribunale di Roma – sezione stampa – al n.341/88 del 08/06/1988 Editore: Com.e – Comunicazione&Editoria srl Corso d’Italia, 38a 00198 Roma – … In pochi anni Stanley firmò per conto di re Leopoldo oltre quattrocento trattati di commercio o protettorato con i capi locali. Grazie a voi la base di definizione può essere arricchita. Il gioco inizia nella camera di Zak dopo una lunga introduzione. There are no rail links from Kinshasa further inland, and road connections to much of the rest of the country are few and in poor condition. I nuovi kinois, come sono chiamati gli abitanti di Kinshasa, arrivano dalle province orientali lacerate da una miriade di guerriglie, dalle province centrali, dove le miniere traboccanti di diamanti sono ormai solo un ricordo, dal Nord, dove il recente conflitto nella Repubblica Centrafricana ha costretto alla fuga i profughi di guerre precedenti. [8] It was named Léopoldville in honour of King Leopold II of the Belgians, who controlled the Congo Free State, the vast territory that is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, not as a colony but as a private property. Guarda le traduzioni di ‘Shaba’ in Inglese. The estimates for 2005 fell in a range between 5.3 million and 7.3 million. In the 2010s, street children or "Shegués", often orphaned, are subject to abuse by the police and military. [2][11] Older parts of the city were laid out on a geometric pattern, with de facto racial segregation becoming de jure in 1929 as the European and African neighborhoods grew closer together. lo sono i nati a kinshasa: danesi: nati a odense sono nativi di aalborg o ribe: istriani: lo sono i nati a pola: ab: il centro di zagabria sono pari in samba sono prime in abilita sono... pari nel gambo: gallesi: sono di fronte agli irlandesi sono nati a swansea: gemelli: lo sono due … Storia Preistoria. La soluzione per la definizione LO SONO I NATI A KINSHASA è stata trovata nel nostro motore di ricerca. Con il sostegno dello schiavista arabo Tippu Tip fondò diversi empori, tra cui Stanleyville (oggi Kisangani) e Léopoldville (Kinshasa) e avviò lo sfruttamento sistematico del Paese. [71], Capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Abbreviations : Kal. Grech sarà il 6° cardinale nella storia di Malta (il 3° nativo delle due isole), subito dopo il teologo agostiniano Prosper Grech, con cui condivide il cognome, mancato a 94 anni negli ultimi giorni del 2019.. Grech continua inoltre la tradizione cardinalizia dei Segretari Generali del Sinodo dei Vescovi, istituito nel 1967 per proseguire l'esperienza del Concilio Vaticano II. The city was colonized as a trading post by Henry Morton Stanley in 1881. [39] Chinese entrepreneurs are gaining an increasing share of local marketplaces in Kinshasa, displacing in the process formerly successful Congolese, West African, Indian, and Lebanese merchants. Kinshasa is home to several media outlets, including radio and television stations, including state-run Radio-Télévision nationale congolaise (RTNC) and privately run Digital Congo and Raga TV. is the site for Cash Advance. In epoca più recente del Neolitico, il Sahara ha cominciato a desertificarsi. [23], According to UN-Habitat, 390,000 people immigrate to Kinshasa annually, fleeing warfare and seeking economic opportunity. Street children are mainly boys,[67] but the percentage of girls is increasing according to UNICEF. had to fend off rioting soldiers, who were protesting the government's failure to pay them. Prova l’esperienza di una storia eccitante e non lineare: riunisciti con la tua famiglia e sventa la rimozione forzata dei nativi; Influenza gli eventi storici reale e le invenzioni, e cambia il corso della storia; Scegli uno delle quattro grandi fazioni, o cambia squadra durante il gioco [9] The town, nicknamed "Léo" or "Leopold", became a commercial centre and grew rapidly during the colonial period. La città di Kinshasa. Growlll. La capitale della Repubblica dello Zaire, rinominato nel 1997 nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo, è oggi una delle più grandi città in Africa ed è noto come Kinshasa. In 1914, a pipeline was installed so that crude oil could be transported from Matadi to the upriver steamers in Leopoldville. [11] Kinshasa is also the primate city of the DRC with a population several times larger than the next-largest city, Lubumbashi. [40], Mean household spending in 2005 was the equivalent of US$2,150, amounting to $1 per day per person. [14], The People's Republic of China has been heavily involved in the Congo since the 1970s, when they financed the construction of the Palais du Peuple and backed the government against rebels in the Shaba war. There are the National Museum and the Kinshasa Fine Arts Academy. Other areas are served by decentralized Associations des Usagers des Réseau d’Eau Potable (ASUREPs). Find Cash Advance, Debt Consolidation and more at Ha preso gli schiaffi del razzismo in mezza Europa. Its lengthy rainy season spans from October through May, with a relatively short dry season, between June and September. Tuttavia, il nome moderno della capitale ha ricevuto solo dopo l'indipendenza. Ferries cross the river to Brazzaville, a distance of about 4 km (2 mi). The median household spending was $1,555, 66 cents per person per day. Kinshasa is both a city (ville in French) and a province, one of the 26 provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Ngiri-Ngiri), Show map of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Matthieu Kayembe Wa Kayembe, Mathieu De Maeyer et Eléonore Wolff, ". In January some 284 tonnes of goods were exported from the ports of Boma and Matadi, via the railway, and 711 tonnes in February, then 1,058 tonnes in March, 684 tonnes in April, 818 tonnes in May and 853 tonnes in June. Prenota il tuo volo online con Brussels Airlines e approfitta delle nostre migliori offerte. (Lingwala), Ng.-Ng. Prins van Luikschool Kinshasa (primary education, This page was last edited on 25 November 2020, at 17:21. Dopo la sua morte, la Repubblica del Congo interruppe, fino al 15 dicembre 1970 le relazioni diplomatiche con il governo di Kinshasa. Se sei una compagnia o un individuo interessato ad assumere studenti, per esempio baby sitter a Kinshasa, au pair in Kinshasa, traduttori nativi, insegnanti di lingua in Kinshasa, ecc... pubblica la tua offerta di lavoro! La soluzione di questo puzzle è di 6 lettere e inizia con la lettera L Di seguito la risposta corretta a gli africani di tripoli Cruciverba, se hai bisogno di ulteriore aiuto per completare il tuo cruciverba continua la navigazione e prova la nostra funzione di ricerca. Ha persino giocato con un ginocchio spappolato pur di dimostrare di non essere un fannullone. An average of ten international flights depart each day from N'djili Airport. [62] Some have fled from physically abusive families, notably step-parents, others were expelled from their families as they were believed to be witches,[63] and have become outcasts. On June 30, 2018, the SCTP received two locomotives and 50 wagons from the African firm ARSS (African-Rolling Stock Solution). Congo) entre 1995 et 2005 par télédétection satellitaire à haute résolution, "DemographiaWorld Urban Areas – 13th Annual Edition", "Sub-national HDI - Area Database - Global Data Lab", "Kinshasa – national capital, Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Patrice Lumumba: the most important assassination of the 20th century", DR Congo election: 17 dead in anti-Kabila protests, Congo A 'Powder Keg' As Security Forces Crack Down On Whistling Demonstrators, Kinshasa 2005. Posts about Symbols & Powers written by Native American Jewelry Tips, Culturally relevant pedagogy plays an enormous role in making all students feel accepted in the classroom. Houses and apartments in the central area are expensive, with houses selling for a million dollars and apartments going for $5000 per month. How about you? In 2017, some 2.2 million tonnes of cement were produced by the two new start-up companies, PPC Barnet and Kongo Cement Factory (CIMKO). [5], Kinshasa is Africa's third-largest urban area after Cairo and Lagos. [3] It is also the world's largest Francophone urban area (surpassing Paris in population), with French being the language of government, schools, newspapers, public services, and high-end commerce in the city, while Lingala is used as a lingua franca in the street. Riprendete la scala e portate entrambe le ragazze all’interno della struttura. The Congolese military intelligence organization, Détection Militaire des Activités Anti-Patrie (DEMIAP) operates the Ouagadougou prison in Kintambo commune with notorious cruelty. In the 1990s, a rebel uprising began, which, by 1997, had brought down the regime of Mobutu. Nevertheless, it is still a major cultural and intellectual centre for Central Africa, with a flourishing community of musicians and artists. Of these, 3,600–4,600 escaped in a jailbreak in May 2017.[59][60]. Biglietti aerei a partire da ##price##. Several national radio stations, including La Voix du Congo, which is operated by RTNC, MONUC-backed Radio Okapi and Raga FM are based in Kinshasa, as well as numerous local stations. Notable features of the city include the Gecamines Commercial Building (formerly SOZACOM) and Hotel Memling skyscrapers; L'ONATRA, the impressive building of the Ministry of Transport; the central market; the Tour de l'Echangeur. A pop culture ideal type in Kinshasa is the mikiliste, a fashionable person with money who has traveled to Europe. Salite sulla scala per raggiungerli e premeteli nell’ordine in cui i nativi di Kinshasa si abbassavano durante la danza sacra per entrare nel faccione di Marte. Visualizza altre idee su simboli dei nativi americani, nativi americani, simbolo. More, Listen to the wind / it talks / Listen to the silence / it speaks / Listen to your heart / it knows. The Boulevard du 30 Juin (Boulevard of 30 June) links the main areas of the central district of the city. N'Dolo Airport, located close to the city centre, is used for domestic flights only with small turboprop aircraft. #inclusive. [31][17], The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, known by its French acronym MONUSCO (formerly MONUC) makes its headquarters in Kinshasa. Quel 30 ottobre 1974, allo stadio XX Maggio di Kinshasa, costruito per l’occasione, tutto il mondo avrebbe assistito a un evento sontuoso e indimenticabile, motivo di orgoglio per un paese e vanto di un intero continente. The city grew rapidly under Mobutu, drawing people from across the country who came in search of their fortunes or to escape ethnic strife elsewhere, thus adding to the many ethnicities and languages already found there. Since the Second Congo War, the city has been striving to recover from disorder, with many youth gangs hailing from Kinshasa's slums. Kinshasa is the home to much of the Congo's intelligentsia, including a political class which developed during the Mobutu era. Under the Köppen climate classification, Kinshasa has a tropical wet and dry climate (Aw). Corriere della Sera Amnesty International ha accusato il governo del Perú di essersi dimenticato della salute di centinaia di nativi. The city has two airports: N'djili Airport (FIH) is the main airport with connections to other African countries as well as to Istanbul, Brussels, Paris and some other destinations. Sii il primo a condividere un'offerta di lavoro a Kinshasa! The Matadi–Kinshasa Railway connects Kinshasa with Matadi, Congo's Atlantic port. [14], Although political power in the DRC is fragmented, Kinshasa as the national capital represents the official center of sovereignty, and thus of access to international organizations and financing, and of political powers such as the right to issue passports. Repubblica Democratica del Congo. Studiò dai Gesuiti si diplomò alla scuola media di Leverville, poi, a Basoko nell'Haut-Fleuve, fu studente dell'Istituto Agrario della Compagnia Lever Freres. Many float on barges down the Congo River.[24]. But this line lost large shares of the market, following its lamentable state, insecurity on the rail (some trains are attacked) and the rehabilitation of the road along the rail in 2000. Il cuore di tenebra e l’orrore del profitto COLONIALISMI. [14] In 2017, the most recent population estimate for the city, it has a population of 11,855,000. In pochi anni Stanley firmò per conto di re Leopoldo oltre quattrocento trattati di commercio o protettorato con i capi locali. The Congo River is the second longest river in Africa after the Nile, and has the continent's greatest discharge. Kinshasa's dry season is slightly cooler than its wet season, though temperatures remain relatively constant throughout the year. Cette œuvre nous pouvons voir les cheveux blancs d'une femme qui semble être autochtone et dans ces cheveux il y des animaux sauvages comme un ours, un loup, un ratons laveur, un chevreuil ect. Dojos are popular and their owners influential.[11]. vettoriali stock 146052917 royalty-free dalla collezione di Depositphotos di milioni di foto stock di ottima qualità ad alta risoluzione, immagini vettoriali e illustrazioni. [46] There are also Muslim mosques. Luce Beeckmans & Liora Bigon, "The making of the central markets of Dakar and Kinshasa: from colonial origins to the post-colonial period”; Innocent Chirisa, Abraham Rajab Matamanda, & Liaison Mukarwi, "Desired and Achieved Urbanisation in Africa: In Search of Appropriate Tooling for a Sustainable Transformation”; in Umar Benna & Indo Benna, eds., Inge Wagemakers, Oracle Makangu Diki, & Tom De Herdt, ". Biografia Origini e formazione. [17] A 2004 investigation found 70% of inhabitants employed informally, 17% in the public sector, 9% in the formal private sector, and 3% other, of a total 976,000 workers. This being the height of the Cold War, the U.S. and Belgium did not want to lose control of the strategic wealth of the Congo, in particular its uranium. Aprendo il cassetto a sinistra troverete una bolletta telefonica: raccoglietela ed utilizzatela con la tessera sotto la scrivania, ottenendo così la vostra carta di credito. O. Oko Elechi and Angela R. Morris, “Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa)”; in Mahesh K. Nalla & Graeme R. Newman (eds.). [29], The head of Kinshasa ville-province has the title of Gouverneur. Trente ans après la publication de l’Atlas de Kinshasa, "Giant dam projects aim to transform African power supplies", Commission Électorale Nationale Indépendante, "La Cartographie Electorale des 26 Provinces—Kinshasa", "KINSHASA, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO", "Building commons to cope with chaotic urbanization? Dietro l’«odioso pretesto di filantropia», il feroce dominio privato di … Several international airlines serve Ndjili Airport including Kenya Airways, South African Airways, Ethiopian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Air France and Turkish Airlines. Il campione del mondo dei pesi massimi George Foreman avrebbe sfidato Muhammad Alì. Lo Stato Usa che ha per capitale Juneau. DUE MUNDELE A KINSHASA Dario e Marilena, volontari COE a Kinshasa. Less than a year after Lumumba's election, the Belgians and the U.S. bought the support of his Congolese rivals and set in motion the events that culminated in Lumumba's assassination. I nativi di Nicosia. Gated communities and shopping malls, built with foreign capital and technical expertise, began to appear in 2006. di Africa e Madagascar (SECAM), nate nel 1969: "E un'occasione speciale per far risuonare ancora una volta l'appello profetico che papa Paolo VI rivolse agli africani a Kampala nel luglio 9 stata una glornata di festa quel]a vtssuta, sabato 29 dai circa cinquanta partecipantl all 'incontro rtvolto ai missionari nativi della DiocesÍ dl Como, It faces Brazzaville, the capital of the neighbouring Republic of the Congo, which can be seen in the distance across the wide Congo River, making them the world's second-closest pair of capital cities after Rome and Vatican City. Stervos Niarcos, and musician Papa Wemba, were early exemplars of the mikiliste style. Quel 30 ottobre 1974, allo stadio XX Maggio di Kinshasa, costruito per l’occasione, tutto il mondo avrebbe assistito a un evento sontuoso e indimenticabile, motivo di orgoglio per un paese e vanto di un intero continente. [citation needed], There are twenty hospitals in Kinshasa, plus various medical centres and polyclinics.[43]. [12][13], Kinshasa is a city of sharp contrasts, with affluent residential and commercial areas and three universities alongside sprawling slums. Dopo l’assassinio di P. Lumumba, Mulele, Pierre si recò nella Repubblica popolare cinese per un periodo di addestramento militare. [14] The communes are grouped into four districts which are not in themselves administrative divisions. Scarica Illustrazione di un indiano nativo americano che remava una canoa vista dal lato incastonato all'interno di una forma ovale realizzata in stile xilografico retrò . of State – Congo, Democratic Republic of the Country Specific Information", "Nonstate Policing: Expanding the Scope for Tackling Africa's Urban Violence", Prisons in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Des milliers de détenus s’évadent de la prison de Kinshasa en RD-Congo, Evasion à la prison de Makala en RDC: plus de 4600 détenus seraient en fuite, "Congo's children battle witchcraft accusations", "A night on the streets with Kinshasa's 'child witches, "Danballuff – Children of Congo: From War to Witches(video)", "Africa Feature: Around 20,000 street children wander in Kinshasa", "Prevalence, Abuse & Exploitation of Street Children", "Beaten and discarded, Congo street children are strangers to mining boom", "What Future? The SCTP did indeed transport part of this production to Kinshasa but the exact quantity was not communicated by the railway department of the company, the former DG Kimbembe Mazunga had communicated an agreed protocol of agreements with the cement manufacturers of Kongo-Central for the transport of their productions. [11] The Orchestre Symphonique Kimbanguiste, formed in 1994, began using improved musical instruments and has since grown in means and reputation.[45]. Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides)- “Si stanno alimentando scontri etnici per costringere gli abitanti alla fuga e liberare spazi in modo da sfruttare impunemente le ricchezze del territorio” denunciano i Vescovi dell’Assemblea Episcopale Provinciale di Kisangani, nell’est della Repubblica Democratica del Congo, al termine della loro Assemblea Plenaria. [14] The quality of roads has improved somewhat, developed in part with loans from China, since 2000. By teaching different narratives we encourage multiculturalism and acceptance in our community of young learners. L’inchiesta-denuncia firmata dallo scrittore britannico nel 1909, ora in traduzione italiana. The line reopened in September 2015 after around a decade without regular service. I wonder how the country would be if Native Americans with their true values, virtues, whatever we call them, were in charge. [38], Although home to only 13% of the DRC's population, Kinshasa accounts for 85% of the Congolese economy as measured by gross domestic product. (Kalamu), Kin. Kinshasa is home to the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo including: The Central Bank of the Congo has its headquarters on Boulevard Colonel Tshatshi, across the street from the Mausoleum of Laurent Kabila and the presidential palace. The private channel RTGA is also based in Kinshasa. 11% had refrigerators and 5% had cars. Ndako ya Biso provides support for street children, including overnight accommodation for girls. Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides)- “Si stanno alimentando scontri etnici per costringere gli abitanti alla fuga e liberare spazi in modo da sfruttare impunemente le ricchezze del territorio” denunciano i Vescovi dell’Assemblea Episcopale Provinciale di Kisangani, nell’est della Repubblica Democratica del Congo, al termine della loro Assemblea Plenaria.

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