2, cop.fle., dim. There have also been moments in Roman history when an army has performed better after the deaths of their consuls. Niccolò Machiavelli nasce a Firenze nel 1469. Discourses on Livy. LIBRO PRIMO. Machiavelli then explains this idea and states that this greatly changes the way a city is viewed, in particular for Rome. Camillus refused the offer, and after binding the hands of the schoolmaster, gave rods to each of the children and escorted them back into the city while they beat him. Rome benefited because the office of Dictator was written into the constitution so it could be exercised legitimately and then retired during the emergency. Questioning what mode a free state can be maintained in a corrupt city, he states that Rome had orders, which kept the citizens checked. L'opera è … I Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio furono iniziati nel 1513, ripresi tra il 1515 e il 1517 e conclusi nel 1518. Los Discursos sobre la Primera década de Tito Livio, en italiano original Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio, son un trabajo de historia política y filosófica escrito al inicio del siglo XVI por el italiano Nicolás Maquiavelo Historia. he shows he does not go against the common good but against the ambitious few in the city, which has many times made campaigns and captures of towns easier. He claims that their goal for war was to be short and massive. "[72], Chapter 32 concerns "what modes some have held to for disturbing a peace. 709 II concetto di ((corruzione)) nei > di fattori esterni allo Stato, che sono anche i piu' pericolosi, oppure di fattori interni: E quanto a questi, conviene che nasca o da una legge, la quale spesso rivegga il conto agli uomini che sono in quel corpo; o veramente da uno uomo buono che Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio-Considerazioni intorno ai discorsi del Machiavelli (Italiano) Copertina flessibile – 26 settembre 2000 di Niccolò Machiavelli (Autore), Francesco Guicciardini (Autore), C. Vivanti (a cura di) & 0 altro "[67] Machiavelli establishes that "Princes should not complain of any sin that the people whom they have to govern commit, for it must be that such sins arise either by negligence or by his being stained with like errors. "[51], Chapter 20 concerns the story of Camillus when he was besieging the city of the Falsci. [63], Chapter 27 concerns "How one has to unite a divided city; and how that opinion is not true that to hold cities one needs to hold them divided. I Discorsi sono di tre libri: Il primo comprende un proemio e 60 moduli e tratta dei problemi di politica interna di Roma (organizzazione della Repubblica Romana, leggi interne e loro genesi, rapporti fra plebe e nobiltà, ecc . "[14] Later on Machiavelli states that it is not preferable to have renewal carried out by an external force as "it is so dangerous that it is not in any way to be desired. [13] Machiavelli cites an example from Roman history: when the Gauls, referring to them as the French, sacked Rome in 387 BC. "[22] Machiavelli immediately makes it clear that "the prince who has excited this universal hatred against himself has particular individuals who have been more offended by him and whose desire to avenge themselves. Molti hanno avuta opinione, ed in tra' quali Plutarco, gravissimo scrittore, che 'l popolo romano nello acquistare lo imperio fosse più favorito dalla fortuna che dalla virtù. "[76] Machiavelli brings up the example of Titus Manlius who, upon rescuing his father, the "filial piety"[76] displayed inspired the people and led to Titus Manlius being put in second command of the tribunes of the legions. The Discourses were published posthumously with papal privilege in 1531. "[20], The topic of Chapter 5 is "What makes a king who is heir to a kingdom lose it. Chapter 31 talks about how dangerous it is to believe the banished. ... Apri un sito e guadagna con Altervista - Disclaimer - Segnala abuso - Privacy Policy - Personalizza tracciamento pubblicitario, DELL’ARTE DELLA GUERRA (The Art of War) – Niccolò Machiavelli, Opere minori di Machiavelli – Canti – L’asino d’oro – Clizia – Belfagor – Dialogo sulle lingue – Primo Decennale – Secondo Decennale – Capitoli. I Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio sono un'opera di Niccolò Machiavelli, frutto di una lunga elaborazione durata dal 1513 al 1519, anno di morte di uno dei due dedicatari dell'opera; in ogni caso, non si può escludere che una prima idea dell'opera possa risalire anche agli anni della segreteria a Firenze. His humbleness or "poverty" became something future Romans tried to emulate. "[91] Quintus Fabius was a Roman censor who took all the young Romans who failed to understand the basics of the Republic and "derived under four tribes, so that by being shut in such small spaces they could not corrupt all Rome. "[86] The nature of things in the present is not much different than it was in Livy's time. Machiavelli saw history in general as a way to learn useful lessons from the past for the present, and also as a type of analysis which could be built upon, as long as each generation did not forget the works of the past. Machiavelli then states that to keep a corrupt republic free, it is necessary to use extraordinary means. [82], In Chapter 40, Machiavelli states, "Although the use of fraud in every action is detestable, nonetheless in managing war it is a praiseworthy and glorious thing, and he who overcomes the enemy with fraud is praised as much as the one who overcomes it with force. 22 relazioni. Discourses on Livy. The choice of his detestable hero, Cesare Borgia, clearly enough shows his hidden aim; and the contradiction between the teaching of The Prince and that of the Discourses on Livy and the History of Florence shows that this profound political thinker has so far been studied only by superficial or corrupt readers. He complains that the Italian Renaissance has stimulated a desire to imitate the ancients in art, law, and medicine, but that no one thinks of imitating ancient kingdoms or republics. Machiavelli's next point is that "one ought to wish to acquire glory even when losing; and one has more glory in being conquered by force than through another inconvenience that has made you lose. I Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio sono un'opera di Niccolò Machiavelli, frutto di una lunga elaborazione durata dal 1513 al 1519, anno di morte di uno dei due dedicatari dell'opera; in ogni caso, non si può escludere che una prima idea dell'opera possa risalire anche agli anni della segreteria a Firenze. Mostra Commenti He traces this to an improper reading of history that suggests that imitation of ancient political virtue is impossible. Chapter 22 is titled "That the hardness of Manlius Torquatus and the kindness of Valerius Corvinus acquired for each the same glory. "[32], Chapter 9 concerns "How one must vary with the times if one wishes always to have good fortune. "[44] Such actions would control the morale of the army. He also objected to much of Machiavelli's advice, as he thought that many of his recommendations were too vicious, stating that:[93]. Chapter four lists the three modes of expanding that republics have taken. "[73] Machiavelli cites several examples from the Punic Wars. In the preface to Book I, Machiavelli explains why he wrote the Discourse, noting that he brings new modes and orders—a dangerous task given the envy of men, but one motivated by the desire to work for the common benefit of humanity. "[75] Machiavelli lists out the methods to do so: "...that it be armed and ordered well, that [its members] know one another. For these things, "alterations are for safety that lead them back toward their beginnings. And truly, whoever does otherwise, most often ruins himself and his fatherland. If the Plebs had been wicked, they would have accepted Spurius's tyranny. Retrouvez Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. 1513- 1521 confino a san Casciano (interrotta per dar luogo alla stesura de Il principe) Meditazione sul tema della nascita, durata, sviluppo e decadimento degli stati. They valued these men and what they did so much that they were willing to give free commissions in order to show them how they felt about them. "[33] Machiavelli writes, "I have often considered that the cause of the bad and of the good fortune of men is the matching of the mode of one's proceeding with the times. Le migliori offerte per Discorsi di Niccolò Machavelli sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio . Whoever does otherwise, if he is a man notable for his quality, lives in continual danger. [54] Machiavelli believes such things occurred because "men are desirous of new things, so much that most often those who are well off desire newness as much as those who are badly off...this desire makes the doors open to everyone who makes himself head of an innovation in a province. 54%: Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio Niccolò Machiavelli Author (ISBN: 2940014007672) 1521, Editore: LA CASE, anche come e-book. Leo Strauss on Modernity and Economics", Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio, On the Method of Dealing with the Rebellious Peoples of Valdichiana, Discourse on Reforming the Government of Florence, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Discourses_on_Livy&oldid=994346596, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 December 2020, at 06:39. "[56] As one can assume from the title, two very different men achieved very similar glory. Di quante spezie sono le republiche, e di quale fu la republica romana. Dangers are found in conspiracies at three times: before, in the deed, and after. "[43] Machiavelli cites the example of Quintius, who "seeing one of the wings of his army bending, began to cry out loudly that it should stand steady because the other wing of the army was victorious, and—this word having given spirit to his men and terrified the enemy—he won. [6] Religion in Rome was cited as a primary cause for joy in the city as it is truly an important element. "[14] Before the taking of Rome by the Gauls, the executions of such famous Romans as "the sons of Brutus"[14] or "that of Maelius the grain dealer",[14] because they were "excessive and notable"[14] drew Romans back from any dangerous or tumultuous behavior. Rucellai had died in 1519, but this did not lead Machiavelli to find a new dedicatee, as he had with The Prince. Chapter 17 talks about how much artillery should be esteemed by armies in the present times, and whether the opinion universally held of it is true. He then conveys that having a dictatorial authority was beneficial for the City of Rome because a republic cannot always make the quick decisions demanded by a crisis, and in these cases one person can do a better job than the rest. Machiavelli justifies dedicating the Discourses to his two friends because they deserve to be princes, even if they lack principalities, and he criticizes the custom (which he had adopted in The Prince) of dedicating works to men who are princes but do not deserve to be. "[14] According to Machiavelli, "this good emerges in republics either through the virtue of a man or through the virtue of an order. "[81] In a captain demanding of his troop to follow his deeds, not his words, there seems to be great success. "[80] Pondering this question, Machiavelli writes, "For I consider, on one side, that a good captain ought altogether to avoid working for anything that is of small moment and can produce bad effects on his army: for to begin a fight in which all one's force are not at work and all one's fortune is risked is a thing altogether rash...On the other side, I consider that when wise captains come up against a new enemy who is reputed, before they come to the main battle they are necessitated to make trial of such enemies with light fight for their soldiers..."[80], In Chapter 38, Machiavelli writes of "How a captain in whom his army can have confidence ought to be made. Violent remedies, though they make one safe from one aspect, yet from another ... involve all kinds of weaknesses. "[53] When the Roman Scipio Africanus entered Spain, his humanity and mercy immediately made the entire province friendly to him. He is saying that the abuse that men do to women is something that brings hatred not only from the victim, but from everyone who hears about it as well. If any of these worldly things are altered and changed from its normal course, "it is for its safety and not to its harm. Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio (1983) Torino : G. Einaudi , 1983 Discours sur la première décade de Tite-Live (1980) Paris : Berger-Levrault , 1980 Bréviaire républicain (1885) Paris : A. Lemerre , … DISCORSI SOPRA LA PRIMA DECA DI TITO LIVIO. "[13] This return toward the beginning is done either through prudence from outside of the republic or from within the republic. In Chapter 25. Chapter 1 of Book 3 starts with a heading: "If one wishes a sect or republic to live long, it is necessary to draw it back often towards its beginning. "[29], The topic for Chapter 7 summarizes the entire entry: "Whence it arises that changes from freedom to servitude and from servitude to freedom are some of them without blood, some of them full of it. Dalla storiografia antica ai Discorsi di Machiavelli, «Rivista storica italiana», 2012, 124, pp. Tra il 1519 e il 1521 scrisse Dell'arte della guerra. "[37], Machiavelli begins Chapter 11 explaining the considerable power to the tribunes of the plebs: "The power of the tribunes of the plebs in the city of Rome was great, and it was necessary, as had been discoursed of by us many times, because otherwise one would not have been able to place a check on the ambition of the nobility, which would have corrupted that republic a long time before it did corrupt itself. "[39] According to Machiavelli, this is an important duty for the captain of any army. I discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio (1513-1518) Mentre il Principe è un'opera unitaria, i Discorsi già dal titolo suggeriscono l'idea di una serie di divagazioni, a partire da Ab Urbe Condita (della fondazione di Roma) dello storico latino Tito Livio. 3. This event was necessary "so that all the orders of the city might be regained and that it might be shown to that people that it was necessary not only to maintain religion and justice but also to esteem its good citizens and to take more account of their virtue than of these advantages that it appeared to them they lacked through their works. discorsi sopra la prima deca di tito livio Machiavelli iniziò a scrivere i DISCORSI nel 1513. Once the Tarquins left Rome there seemed to be peace and alliance between the patricians and the plebs, but this in fact was untrue. [75], Chapter 34 pertains to "What fame or word or opinion makes the people being to favor a citizen; and whether it distributes the magistracies with great prudence than a prince. necessario scrivere, sopra tutti quelli libri di Tito Livio che dalla malignità de' tempi non ci sono stati intercetti, quello che io, secondo le cognizione delle antique e moderne cose, iudicherò essere necessario per maggiore intelligenzia di essi, a ciò che coloro che leggeranno queste mia [41] At the end of the chapter, Machiavelli asserts that "a captain who has time to instruct men and occasion to arm them is very much more to be trusted than an insolent army with a head made tumultuously by it."[42]. He cites an example in modern Italy of when Giulio Belanti moved against Pandolfo Petrucci, tyrant of Sienna, after his daughter had been stolen to be made Pandolfo's wife. Questo sito usa Akismet per ridurre lo spam.
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