mau mau uprising wiki

[189] The means to this terminal end was originally suggested by the man brought in by the colonial government to do an ethnopsychiatric 'diagnosis' of the uprising, JC Carothers: he advocated a Kenyan version of the villagisation programmes that the British were already using in places like Malaya. Larger detention camps were divided into compounds. Between 320,000 and 450,000 of them were interned. "[3], The British possibly killed more than 20,000 Mau Mau militants,[4] but in some ways more notable is the smaller number of Mau Mau suspects dealt with by capital punishment: by the end of the Emergency, the total was 1,090. Le premier entretient par ailleurs des relations avec la Land Freedom Army, un mouvement néo Mau Mau qui sévit dans les Hauts Plateaux entre 1960 et 1962, tandis que le second est plus régionaliste. The British and international view was that Mau Mau was a savage, violent, and depraved tribal cult, an expression of unrestrained emotion rather than reason. FANDOM. Kenya is in for a very tricky political future. [177], —Memorandum to Commissioner of Prisons John 'Taxi' Lewis Early life. I use WIKI 2 every day and almost forgot how the original Wikipedia looks like. The principle of punitive sanctions against workers was not removed from the Kenyan labour statutes until the 1950s. In July 2011, "George Morara strode down the corridor and into a crowded little room [in Nairobi] where 30 elderly Kenyans sat hunched together around a table clutching cups of hot tea and sharing plates of biscuits. [73], —Speech by Deputy Colonial Governor30 November 1946. [221], The historian Robert Edgerton describes the methods used during the emergency: "If a question was not answered to the interrogator's satisfaction, the subject was beaten and kicked. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. Le mbari est un terrain défriché et possédé par une parenté (allant parfois jusqu'à 2 000 individus) qui se lègue dans son intégralité à la parenté qui l’administre à travers un muramati en copropriété. Le premier opère essentiellement dans le district rural de Kiambu tandis que le second, plus radical, porte son action dans les centres urbains comme Nairobi et Fort Hall[33]. [293] In 2001, the Kenyan Government announced that important Mau Mau sites were to be turned into national monuments. Au niveau politique, l’administration a fait fi des pratiques kikuyus. Kenyans were granted nearly[209] all of the demands made by the KAU in 1951. L’échec final de la révolte a souvent occulté son rôle dans l’indépendance qui n’intervient que sept ans après ces faits. Pour contrer l’expansion du serment, on met aussi au point des cleansing ceremonies[40] administrées par des Kikuyus eux-mêmes pour éviter la souillure du thahu. The Mau Mau Rebellion was a militant African nationalist movement active in Kenya during the 1950s. The phenomenon of squatters arose in response to the complementary difficulties of Europeans in finding labourers and of Africans in gaining access to arable and grazing land. will be under a cloud. D’autres éléments prouvent cette conception globale de la révolte comme la création du Kenya Parliament ou du Kenya Defense Council, deux organes perçus comme des tribunes de discussion entre les différents groupes armés mais qui n’ont jamais réellement fonctionné[55]. Au niveau territorial, les Kikuyu ne vivent pas dans des villages mais l’on peut distinguer trois niveaux. Le Mau Mau est aussi une guerre civile si l’on considère l’impact sur les populations. [117] On 30 September 1952, Evelyn Baring arrived in Kenya to permanently take over from Potter; Baring was given no warning by Mitchell or the Colonial Office about the gathering maelstrom into which he was stepping. . John Newsinger, "Revolt and Repression in Kenya: The 'Mau Mau' Rebellion, 1952-1960," Science and Society 45 (1981): 159–185; Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1967). [225], The Chuka Massacre, which happened in Chuka, Kenya, was perpetrated by members of the King's African Rifles B Company in June 1953 with 20 unarmed people killed during the Mau Mau uprising. En 1895, la compagnie commerciale basée à Mombasa perd ses droits et la région devient Afrique orientale britannique. Peuple lié à l’agriculture jusque dans ses légendes, il vit comme un profond malaise l’accaparement et la confiscation des terres par les Blancs. [195], He noted, however, that the British should have "no illusions about the future. For the next year, the Service's A.M. MacDonald would reorganise the Special Branch of the Kenya Police, promote collaboration with Special Branches in adjacent territories, and oversee coordination of all intelligence activity "to secure the intelligence Government requires". [173], Even as the Pipeline became more sophisticated, detainees still organised themselves within it, setting up committees and selecting leaders for their camps, as well as deciding on their own "rules to live by". [107][108] By 1950, these differences, and the impact of colonial rule, had given rise to three native Kenyan political blocks: conservative, moderate nationalist and militant nationalist. C’est une conjonction de décisions et de politiques administratives qui vont contribuer à bouleverser les rapports sociaux et les structures sociétales (cf supra). Commandants were told to clamp down hard on intra-camp oathing, with several commandants hanging anyone suspected of administering oaths. Mau Mau Uprising), također poznat i kao Mau Mau pobuna ili Kenijsko izvanredno stanje (engl. [26][27][28] Although there had been previous instances of violent resistance to colonialism, the Mau Mau revolt was the most prolonged and violent anti-colonial warfare in the British Kenya colony. He was known to meticulously record his attacks in a series of five notebooks, which when executed were often swift and strategic, targeting loyalist community leaders he had previously known as a teacher. Le soulèvement de Mau Mau (1952-1960), également connu sous le nom de rébellion de Mau Mau, d' urgence au Kenya et de révolte de Mau Mau, était une guerre dans la colonie britannique du Kenya (1920-1963) entre l'Armée de la terre et de la liberté du Kenya (KLFA), également connu sous le nom de Mau Mau, et les autorités britanniques. Although some were Mau Mau guerrillas, most were victims of collective punishment that colonial authorities imposed on large areas of the country. [215], David Anderson's says the rebellion was "a story of atrocity and excess on both sides, a dirty war from which no one emerged with much pride, and certainly no glory". Dans l’Afrique orientale britannique, la situation est encore plus exceptionnelle du fait de la présence de colons blancs autorisés à s’installer dès 1902. Directed by Elwood Price. [194] By the end of the following summer, Lieutenant General Lathbury no longer needed Lincoln bombers for raids because of a lack of targets,[151] and, by late 1955, Lathbury felt so sure of final victory that he reduced army forces to almost pre-Mau Mau levels. [88], The Mau Mau military strategy was mainly guerrilla attacks launched under the cover of dark. [40][41][42][43], —Chief Native Commissioner of Kenya, 1925. Native Kenyan political activity was permitted to resume at the end of the military phase of the Emergency. He said it included "payment of a settlement sum in respect of 5,228 claimants, as well as a gross costs sum, to the total value of £19.9 million. Même au sein de ces armées, l’empreinte locale des groupes est demeurée un frein à l’extension de la révolte. "[139], While some of these villages were to protect loyalist Kikuyu, "most were little more than concentration camps to punish Mau Mau sympathizers. En ce qui concerne l’héritage direct de la révolte on constate une pluralité des expressions. En fait, dans une certaine mesure, on peut même la qualifier de révolte « totale[réf. Popular pages. The armed re­bel­lion of the Mau Mau was the cul­mi­nat­ing re­sponse to op­pres­sive colo­nial rule. In around 1947 or 1948, whilst working in Ol Kalou, Kimathi came into close contact with members of the Kenya African Union (KAU). Ils engagent très vite un boycott de l’institution qui mène à la rédaction d'une nouvelle constitution. Maloba précise le mode d’administration de ces serments : « The spread of the oath of unity in Central Province and in Nairobi relied on political cells for both the control of initiates and solidarity with other cells of the movement. This article has been rated as C-Class. La division des Kikuyus s’appuie en fait sur les structures imposées par l’indirect rule. We have created a browser extension. The end of 1955 also saw screeners being given a freer hand in interrogation, and harsher conditions than straightforward confession were imposed on detainees before they were deemed 'cooperative' and eligible for final release. [247] Until September 2003, the Mau Mau movement was banned. [169] Family outside and other considerations led many detainees to confess. Official estimates place the death toll from the first Lari massacre at 74, and the second at 150, though neither of these figures account for those who 'disappeared'. [125][126] Jock Scott did not decapitate the movement's leadership as hoped, since news of the impending operation was leaked. 278,287 Pages. Dans ce protectorat, on assiste à un développement et à un traitement asymétrique entre les populations européennes d’une part, africaines et indiennes d’autre part. [99][276] An example of this impunity is the case of eight colonial officials accused of having prisoners tortured to death going unpunished even after their actions were reported to London. Special Branch there had a way of slowly electrocuting a Kuke—they'd rough up one for days. Although there had been previous instances of violent resistance to colonialism, the Mau Mau revolt was the most prolonged and violent anti-colonial warfare in the British Kenya colony. Dans cette répartition des pouvoirs politiques, les femmes sont totalement exclues mais elles gardent des prérogatives sur les rituels qui les concernent (menstruations, tabous sur les naissances, etc). [6], Dominated by the Kikuyu people, Meru people and Embu people, the KLFA also comprised units of Kamba and Maasai peoples who fought against the white European colonist-settlers in Kenya, the British Army, and the local Kenya Regiment (British colonists, local auxiliary militia, and pro-British Kikuyu people). [136] The primary zones of Mau Mau military strength were the Aberdares and the forests around Mount Kenya, whilst a passive support-wing was fostered outside these areas. [269] As early as November 1952, however, military reports noted that "[t]he Army has been used for carrying out certain functions that properly belonged to the Police, eg. Electric shock was widely used, and so was fire. ആഫ്രിക്കൻ രാജ്യമായ കെനിയ� This article is of interest to the following WikiProjects: WikiProject Military history (Rated C-Class) This article is within the scope of the Military history WikiProject. [230] The attack at Lari was so extreme that "African policemen who saw the bodies of the victims . Le Kenya, dépourvu de richesses minières, est très vite converti en un grenier agricole régional où l’on pratique la monoculture du café, du thé et du sisal sur de larges plantations. [79] Around 1943, residents of Olenguruone Settlement radicalised the traditional practice of oathing, and extended oathing to women and children. Ils infiltrent les bandes Mau Mau et donnent des informations capitales. Operation Anvil (Mau Mau Uprising) - Wikipedia Operation Anvil (Mau Mau Uprising) Operation Anvil was a British military operation during the Mau Mau Uprising where British troops attempted to remove suspected Mau Mau from Nairobi and place them in Langata Camp or reserves. From the start, the land was the pri­mary British in­ter­est in Kenya, which had "some of the rich­est agri­cul­tural soils in the world, mostly in dis­tricts where the el­e­va­tion and cli­mate make it pos­si­ble for Eu­ro­peans to re­side permanently". [160][161], When the mass deportations of Kikuyu to the reserves began in 1953, Baring and Erskine ordered all Mau Mau suspects to be screened. Tout d’abord la propagande a tenté de présenter la pratique des serments comme une résurgence de la sauvagerie et de l’animalité primitive qui a perduré malgré l’effort d’humanisation fourni par les colons. Trouvez les Mau Mau Uprising images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. Pourtant, les premiers pas vers l’indépendance interviennent dès 1954. Le seul succès de la révolte est sans doute son endurance permise par un réseau de ravitaillement très bien développé – autant dans les zones rurales qu’urbaines où des impôts sont prélevés sur toutes les activités et où des réseaux criminels organisent des vols d’armes à feu – mais aussi par une parfaite connaissance de la zone d’insurrection forestière. The Mau Mau was a rebellion of landless peasants and low-paid labourers in Nairobi, Kenya's capital. Maathai says the three issues for the Mau Mau were land, freedom, and self-governance. [16], Members of Mau Mau are currently recognised by the Kenyan Government as freedom-independence heroes and heroines who sacrificed their lives in order to free Kenyans from colonial rule. Furthermore, resort to technicality . For more on Anderson's reaction to the 'missing' papers, see: October 2017 Kenyan presidential election, List of British Detention Camps during the Mau Mau Uprising, Foreign and Commonwealth Office migrated archives, Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers, "Daniel Goldhagen and Kenya: recycling fantasy", "Class V; House of Commons Debate, 1 June 1894", "Native Labour; House of Commons Debate, 10 November 1937", "When the Mau Mau Used a Biological Weapon – Owaahh", "Mau Mau uprising: Bloody history of Kenya conflict", "Historian, Kenya native's book on Mau Mau revolt", "Mau Mau case: UK government accepts abuse took place", "Ciokaraine: The Story of the Female Meru Diviner", "British colonial files released following legal challenge", "Taking on the Boss: The quiet whistleblowers on events in Kenya deserve praise", "Secret memo gave guidelines on abuse of Mau Mau in 1950s", "The African Press in Kenya, 1945–1952", "Kenya: UK expresses regret over abuse as Mau Mau promised payout", "Sins of colonialists lay concealed for decades in secret archive", "British-backed Mau Mau memorial set to open in rare colonial apology", "Mau Mau veterans to sue over British 'atrocities, "Mau Mau case: UK government cannot be held liable", "Kenyan veterans celebrate first victory in compensation claim", "In court to face the ghosts of the past", "Kenyans sue UK for alleged colonial human rights abuses", "Mau Mau victims seek compensation from UK for alleged torture", "Mau Mau torture claim Kenyans win right to sue British government", "Mau Mau Kenyans allowed to sue UK government", "Torture device No 1: the legal rubber stamp", "Kenyans were tortured during Mau Mau rebellion, High Court hears", "Brutal beatings and the 'roasting alive' of a suspect: what secret Mau Mau files reveal", "My critics ignored evidence of torture in Mau Mau detention camps", "New documents show how Britain sanctioned Mau Mau torture", "Cabinet 'hushed up' torture of Mau Mau rebels", 'Whether the Government will make available to this House the text of the Cowan plan', "Tales of brutality and violence that could open the claims floodgate", "It's not just Kenya. La politisation de la société est donc déjà bien engagée à un moment où les tensions atteignent sans doute leur paroxysme. L’offensive Mau Mau se déroule entre mars 1953 et avril 1954. Le 25 juin 1953 est prévue une grande offensive de sept colonnes, visant des infrastructures, finalement avortée, car certaines d’entre elles se sont repliées sous l’effet de mauvais présages témoignant de l’importance de la sorcellerie sur les mentalités des insurgés[26]. By 1950 he had become secretary to the KAU branch at Ol Kalou, which was controlled by militant supporters of the Mau Mau cause. The most notorious was their attack on the settlement of Lari, on the night of 25–26 March 1953, in which they herded men, women and children into huts and set fire to them, hacking down with machetes anyone who attempted escape, before throwing them back into the burning huts. Enfin, il faut mentionner ici quelques éléments de la religion et des croyances kikuyus. The number of deaths attributable to the Emergency is disputed. Thus, while the moderates on the wanted list awaited capture, the real militants, such as Dedan Kimathi and Stanley Mathenge (both later principal leaders of Mau Mau's forest armies), fled to the forests. [226], The Hola massacre was an incident during the conflict in Kenya against British colonial rule at a colonial detention camp in Hola, Kenya. Historical Map of Sub-Saharan Africa (25 March 1953 - Mau Mau Uprising: By the early 1950s the failure of native attempts to extract political reforms from the white elites in the British colony of Kenya prompted more militant Kenyan nationalists to launch the Mau Mau movement. [185] Wamumu Camp was set up solely for all the unaccompanied boys in the Pipeline, though hundreds, maybe thousands, of boys moved around the adult parts of the Pipeline. [298] If we left that district. Ce sont essentiellement des Africains qui ont souffert des combats. En 1952 on compte 15 000 combattants contre 2 000 à la fin de l’année 1955. [46][47] The success of this settler economy would depend heavily on the availability of land, labour and capital,[48] and so, over the next three decades, the colonial government and settlers consolidated their control over Kenyan land, and 'encouraged' native Kenyans to become wage labourers. During the 1952–1960 Mau Mau Uprising, in British Kenya Thomas Askwith, the official tasked with designing the British 'detention and rehabilitation' programme during the summer and autumn of 1953, termed his system the Pipeline. [291] Mashujaa Day will replace Kenyatta Day; the latter has until now also been held on 20 October. [152][153] They and other aircraft, such as blimps, were also deployed for reconnaissance, as well as in the propaganda war, conducting large-scale leaflet-drops. Mau Mau was "perverted tribalism" that sought to take the Kikuyu people back to "the bad old days" before British rule. Le chef indigène du Kiambu (en) est ainsi un chasseur et riche propriétaire terrien (hors du cadre du mbari, propriété personnelle s’entend ici), activité pourtant négligeable dans le cadre de la société Kikuyu[14]. Ce système de Conseil a donc tendance à casser la solidarité générationnelle originelle puisque de tels évènements n’interviennent pas au même moment dans la vie de chacun. "[222], In June 1957, Eric Griffith-Jones, the attorney general of the British administration in Kenya, wrote to the Governor, Sir Evelyn Baring, detailing the way the regime of abuse at the colony's detention camps was being subtly altered. On 12 September 2015, the British Government unveiled a Mau Mau memorial statue in Nairobi's Uhuru Park that it had funded "as a symbol of reconciliation between the British government, the Mau Mau, and all those who suffered". [241], On the 12th of December 1964, President Kenyatta issued an amnesty to Mau Mau fighters to surrender to the government. En conséquence, la révolte était dépourvue de l’unité de vision fondamentale qui est habituellement procurée par un parti révolutionnaire »,, Le repentir du Royaume-Uni 60 ans après la répression des Mau-Mau au Kenya,,évolte_des_Mau_Mau&oldid=177427593, Page géolocalisable sans coordonnées paramétrées, Conflit militaire géolocalisable sans coordonnées paramétrées, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, On observe également de multiples références au mouvement Mau Mau dans. [18] This included 1,090 executions at the end of the war, the largest wartime use of capital punishment by the British Empire. If you can improve it, please do. [69], The colonial government used the measures brought in as part of its land expropriation and labour 'encouragement' efforts to craft the third plank of its growth strategy for its settler economy: subordinating African farming to that of the Europeans. [168] For the Kenyan guerrilla movement, see Mau Mau Uprising. Surely it cannot be necessary to go on killing these defenceless people on such an enormous scale. ★ Mau. ...the insurgents' lack of heavy weaponry and the heavily entrenched police and Home Guard positions meant that Mau Mau attacks were restricted to nighttime and where loyalist positions were weak. A newcomer who refused to take the oath often faced the same fate as a recalcitrant outside the camps: they were murdered. Cette question du rapatriement des squatters augmente la pression des réserves qui déversent leur trop plein dans les villes. On the 28th of January 1965, the Kenyatta government sent the Kenya army to Meru district, where Mau Mau fighters gathered under the leadership of Field Marshall Mwariama and Field Marshall Baimungi. [244], In 1999, a collection of former fighters calling themselves the Mau Mau Original Group announced they would attempt a £5 billion claim against the UK on behalf of hundreds of thousands of Kenyans for ill-treatment they said they suffered during the rebellion, though nothing came of it. "[286][287] but "We continue to deny liability on behalf of the Government and British taxpayers today for the actions of the colonial administration in respect of the claims". C "Squatter or resident labourers are those who reside with their families on European farms usually for the purpose of work for the owners. Mau Mau Uprising. [54] Confiscating the land itself helped to create a pool of wage labourers, but the colony introduced measures that forced more native Kenyans to submit to wage labour: the introduction of the Hut and Poll Taxes (1901 and 1910 respectively);[54][58] the establishment of reserves for each ethnic group, which isolated ethnic groups and often exacerbated overcrowding;[59] the discouragement of native Kenyans' growing cash crops;[54] the Masters and Servants Ordinance (1906) and an identification pass known as the kipande (1918) to control the movement of labour and to curb desertion;[54][60] and the exemption of wage labourers from forced labour and other compulsory, detested tasks such as conscription. Few Mau Mau women became active fighters, and Muthoni is the only woman to have attained the Mau Mau rank of field-marshal. When attacks did commence they were fast and brutal, as insurgents were easily able to identify loyalists because they were often local to those communities themselves. This article is of interest to the following WikiProjects: WikiProject Military history (Rated C-Class) This article is within the scope of the Military history WikiProject. When the grave was finished, the man was asked if he would now be willing to talk. Women formed a core part of the Mau Mau, especially in maintaining supply lines. [281][282] The UK government then opted for what the claimants' lawyers called the "morally repugnant" decision to appeal McCombe's ruling. Jomo Kenyatta, un meneur nationaliste et Kikuyu, affirme d’ailleurs que « la propriété foncière est la clef de voûte de mon peuple »[réf. Topic. . Une gradation est instituée entre détenus noirs, gris et blancs, qui atteste du degré de guérison de l’individu. [257] The British government claimed the issue was the responsibility of the Kenyan government on the grounds of "state succession" for former colonies, relying on an obscure legal precedent relating to Patagonian toothfish[258] and the declaration of martial law in Jamaica in 1860.[259]. On 18 January 1955, the Governor-General of Kenya, Evelyn Baring, offered an amnesty to Mau Mau activists. Le Mau Mau est d’abord un mouvement « ethnique » au sens où il s’ancre dans les structures et les malaises du peuple Kikuyu. A Kenyan independence movement in the 1950s that faced brutal opposition by the UK. This was coupled with a relaxation of the ban on native Kenyans growing coffee, a primary cash crop. [48] In Nyanza the Commission restricted 1,029,422 native Kenyans to 7,114 square miles (18,430 km2), while granting 16,700 square miles (43,000 km2) to 17,000 Europeans. They used stolen weapons such as guns, as well as weapons such as machetes and bows and arrows in their attacks. Search Sign In Don't have an account? . English: The Mau Mau Uprising was an insurgency by Kenyan rebels against the British Empire administration that lasted from 1952 to 1960. [3][5], War crimes have been broadly defined by the Nuremberg principles as "violations of the laws or customs of war", which includes massacres, bombings of civilian targets, terrorism, mutilation, torture, and murder of detainees and prisoners of war.

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